first shipped game

Really? o,0
A few years back i got several job offers as level designer & game designer at a few big shot companies.. too bad for me i was 14 at the time and couldn't possibly take on those jobs.

Now days i cant possibly compete, simply because i dont know or want to know how to work with modern game engines. ;P
Game designer would be fun though, to me that seems to be the most interesting job "in the biz". :)

maybe i should have clarified, that the "Audio" part of games is really competitive. It could also be where you're located. I'm in the SF bay, and there's a ton of qualified people here - plus a lack of jobs.
maybe i should have clarified, that the "Audio" part of games is really competitive. It could also be where you're located. I'm in the SF bay, and there's a ton of qualified people here - plus a lack of jobs.
This has absolutely been my experience as well. And in the last 2 years the market was flooded with some great people laid off by some of the giant game companies.
maybe i should have clarified, that the "Audio" part of games is really competitive. It could also be where you're located. I'm in the SF bay, and there's a ton of qualified people here - plus a lack of jobs.

Im located in Sweden. ;)
The level design jobs i was offered was in Germany and the UK though.. and the game design job was here in Sweden(That one was through a friend though.).
Im not sure if i should name what companies or not. ;X

This has absolutely been my experience as well. And in the last 2 years the market was flooded with some great people laid off by some of the giant game companies.

May be so, just a few years back it still seemed fairly easy getting a job in the gaming industry(If you knew your shit that is.).
This has absolutely been my experience as well. And in the last 2 years the market was flooded with some great people laid off by some of the giant game companies.

I don't get this since games nowadays are doing fine.
Look at all the titles coming out, I don't see a crisis, it's just companies that are full of bastards, I mean if they need someone for a game they hire the person and after it's done/completed, they just stab him in the back.
To my eyes game industry is the only sector that didn't suffer this world wide crisis.
Congrats egan. That's a nice thing to be adding to the discography. Any work on a 'name' title is great.

So you take producer points on records from time to time?

just started to, but nothing in my post reveals that, because those companies just paid me to make the songs playable in the game (stemming)

they paid me $$$$ to do one of the songs O_O

at any rate, i got "new" points on past albums... for example, and album i did a while ago just passed recoup, and so i asked the band if i could get a point and they said sure, so now i'll gain profit from those sales even tho it wasn't originally part of the deal

and now my representative has started asking for points for me on new projects.
I don't get this since games nowadays are doing fine.
Look at all the titles coming out, I don't see a crisis, it's just companies that are full of bastards, I mean if they need someone for a game they hire the person and after it's done/completed, they just stab him in the back.
To my eyes game industry is the only sector that didn't suffer this world wide crisis.

Yeah, the big game companies love to fire employees right around Q4 so their financial reports look better. EA did it last year.
Bumping old thread because i bought the game on saturday....and locked myself in my house all weekend playing this...beat it last night, fucking killer game im a huge fan of the first bioshock and 2nd one made my appreciation for it that much more.
id buy bioshock 2 but i keep hearing it has a bit of a "straight to dvd" type feel to it, which worries me
ill probably pick it up when it goes down in price, the first bioshock was one of my favourite games ever