First song posted!! thrashy stuff, what do you think??

Sep 8, 2005
Hey guys, i´ve been here for ages, but never got something to post til now.

We were at my friend´s studio and decided to record some riffs that i had in my mind. so we did this short clip (1:22).

It was something fast, we did it in two ours per night (two nights) and basically the first night was to land the ideas with my drummer.

Quadtracked, natural drums (just snare replaced) and bass, no vocals or leads.

It´s some thrash stuff i wanted to make and maybe start a new band, drums are just straight, no fancy fills or something.

I would like you guys to check it out and tell me what you think, but take in mind that it was just made for fun and experimenting with the studio stuff, and of course recomendation on the mix etc. would be nice!!.

here´s the link:

P.s i can make a list of gear used if someone is interested, but first listen pls LOL:headbang:
Very nice for a fast try ! The guitars sound pretty good, bass and drums are nice and it's overall well-balanced.

As for myself, I'd use a different snare sample (something less ringy and with more attack) and possibly replace kick and mix the acoustic take with the sample as your drummer seems to be quite consistent. Then go the usual way : EQ the snare and toms (you'll probably need to scoop some low mids on toms and kick), compress them and add room or plate reverb after rolling off the lows. From what I hear, I'd also cut some 1.5k in the overheads, but I can't really tell because of the mp3 compression...

Oh, and btw. the riffs kick ass :)
Thanks guys!
Im glad you like the tunes, we will continue with the mix.

Come on guys, im interested on hear everyone opinions and thoughts, critics as well.
yeah i think that about the Oh´s too, my friend did a new mix, but im still liking this the best, we will work with OH´s, but we kinda like the HH a little high and open haha, but yeah i think they are pretty high, i think a sample in the kick would be nice too.
No more thoughts?? :(

I have another mix, but i don´t like it as much as the first, maybe i´ll upload it later.

Gear used is:

Hellraiser > Sansamp psa-1 > G-major > Marshall SS poweramp > Marshall 2x12 cab (guitar 1) Avatar Vintage 2x12 (guitar 2).

Two sm57 with a similiar position to fredman technique, then to a behringer mixer and then to the firepod.

Drums are Mapex but dont remember the model.

Bass is
Peavey RJIV (Journey era Randy Jackson signature) to the sansamp psa-1, into the behringer mixer.

And a series of plug-ins but i don´t now which.

We will record some more clips, in different genres to promote the studio here in town, of course i will post them to you guys for recomendations.

maybe is too loud, my problem is that im only listen to it in my crappy laptop speakers.

i´ll go tonight to my friends studio to do a remix and maybe record some other clips.

Im taking in mind all your recomendations.

Thanks for your time pals!