First song?


Jan 11, 2004
Denzel, WA.
What was the first Nevermore you ever heard?

Mine's was I am the Dog, heard it off The Hard and The Heavy.

ahhh memories.... will be there for you, to give you, piece of miiiiiiind!
ummmmm technically.... Ophidian... because i bought Dreaming Neon Black without previously hearing any nevermore, but first real song, Beyond Within... once again, because of the cd order
The first Nevermore songs I was honored to hear were "the sanity assassin"
and "the garden of grey"...Warrel, God bless him, invited me down to
the studio where Nevermore were recording, and I got to hear the rough
mixes and during breaks Warrel, God bless him, always obliged me and
we smoked some killer green bud off this ceramic pipe my secret
service bubba buddy holds for me so I don't get in any trouble with
Hillary. As the President, they keep my bloodwork confidential and
top secret so I got to have some good times I'll never forget.
I reckon I never will. Warrel's been such a good friend and such a fine
supporter of mine, He's one of my down home bubba buddies.
I'm getting so sentimental, I need to spark up another joint.
I'm so bummed. Hillary's going to be on break from the Senate any
day so I'm gonna have to be a good little Billy for a while.
That damn Nazi always knows how to ruin my good times.

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SirDidymus127 said:
ummmmm technically.... Ophidian... because i bought Dreaming Neon Black without previously hearing any nevermore, but first real song, Beyond Within... once again, because of the cd order
same here, except my friend bought it.
This Sacrament... i went on and on about Slayer, and some random guy sent me This Sacrament... been hooked since... this was in 1999. i got into them more in 2000, when i bought Politics. I owned only that for a while, then eventually got the rest.
I guess it was '96, maybe '97...bought the Tribute to Judas Priest import copies (the double CD set) cuz I thought that would be cool...(sidenote: who would've thought that would've started a whole damn tribute-releasing nightmare after that...geez!)

Anyway...heard their cover of Love Bites...listening to it while going through the CD booklet. Had never heard of Nevermore at all, but was a big Sanctuary fan. As soon as I saw the band members listed in the liner notes, I grabbed my keys, ran out the house, drove immediately to my fave underground record store and grabbed Nevermore, In Memory, and Politics Of Ecstasy...brought them home...sat in front of the stereo in awe...much to the chagrin of my fiance at the time...what a great day for metal that was...!
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