First Strike Still Deadly opinions


May 20, 2002
Rhode Island, USA
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The more I listen to this, the more I like it. I think "The New Order" songs sound the best overall. The music on ALL of the songs is definetly heavier and sounds better than any of the originals, BUT its too bad that they changed so many of the leads. I dont care for that AT ALL, and I REALLY miss Chuck's high pitched screams on a bunch of the songs. They just dont sound nearly as good without those signature sirens! That is the biggest dissapointment of the whole cd. Especially because he had the very best vocals in thrash metal and aside from not being able to hit those high notes anymore, he still does!
Reign of Terror is good, but its nowhere NEAR as brutal as the live version on the "Live at Eindhoven" EP
Everytime I hear that version, I want to destroy shit! heh heh heh
I would have preferred to hear Chuck sing on that track, as well as "Alone in the Dark".
Definitely would have preferred Chuck singing "Alone in the Dark." But given the years of abuse and his age, I think the wailing screams are a little too damaging now.

Ya just can't stop the body from deteriorating!
I think First Strike kicks ass. I've been buying it and giving it as gifts to friends that don't yet have it.

The only thing I would have changed would have Chuck singing on Alone In The Dark and Reign Of Terror. I like Alex's playing. Especially the new piece in Disciples.

I think the album smokes!
Alex had immunity, he could do them anyway he wanted, they told him to go off, hence the extended leads, (example: Disciples
of the watch, with a new rythum behind it that Eric made up, that came out so good). Same with Johnny, I watched him record, & he did it at his own pace, & put the fills the way he wanted it.
He recorded first. Maybe thats why Alone in the Dark, seems alittle slow. Chuck does not even like to sing that song live. So think of it as a bonus track. Steve's bass is better than anyone, no one can tell him how to play, he just puts his own style in. As for Zetro doing 2 songs, that's Chuck's idea, how many singer's have no ego, & call in the former singer, to come in & sing on his album. Steve never got a chance to record (except the LEGACY demo's), did you know that Steve recommended Chuck for his spot, when he left for EXODUS, what comes around goes around, & those 2 grew up together, & are great friends. I think it was classic to have Zetro perform on FSSD. Anyway it is what it is, everyone did it their way, thats what you get, I think it rules. What if's do not even deserve a thought...............................................................
Steve D is absolutely, definetly, without a doubt the most awesome bass player in extreme metal. ('Arry is still my alltime fav though, even though Maiden has released some pretty cheezy stuff over the past 18 years LOL)
The bass on FSSD is amazing to say the least!! I enjoyed all the things they did differently, I guess its just that after all these years, Im so used to hearing those leads the way they are on the original records that it seems.........akward? I dont know.
I knew Zetro recommended Chuck for TestAmenT, and I like Zetro's voice. I always thought he was a killer replacement for Baloff, but I REALLY wanted to hear Chuck re record Reign of Terror because the version on the B side of the Trial By Fire 12" is weak.....of course ANY version of that song sounds weak compared to the Live at Eindhoven one!! LOL
Chuck doesnt like to sing Alone in the Dark? Alone is a killer song, but a lot of people never liked it. It has a unique style to it. I only saw Chuck sing it once and it was in Providence in I think 94?.....I'd have to check.
I remember wanting to dive off the balcony when they tore into it!
Yeah, I cant think of any other singer who would let someone else, former singer or not record on a record, that was pretty cool of him.
The more I listen to this record, the more I really like it.
Alex got robbed in the mix, raped even.
Some of the high notes are sorely missed.
Steve could have done more. (Sorry, Steve.)
Zerto on the last 2 songs: Nostalgic - yes, Good - no.
But I must say, John did impress me.
Way overproduced. I like the old versions much more with their sharper, grittier, rawer sound. Also Chuck Billy doesn't sound as good a thrash vocalist as he did back in the day. The versions with Steve Souza were a cool listen though.
I liked FSSD. I think everything is great, except some of the songs feel a little too slow when compared to their original versions. The song I feel that on the most is Over the Wall, and First Strike is Deadly
Other than that I think everything on the cd is amazing.
First of all i gotta say iv heard alot of people say they were dissapointed with it...

but i gotta say im a big testament fan... and im not dissapointed in it at all...

personaly i think the mixing probably isnt perfect... but then the first two album mixes arent perfect either...

secondly, i only have 2 things on it that i think they could have improved, 1 is the intro to disiples of the watch... why they cut that out kinda bugs me...

and the other... is why didnt they remake Apocalyptic City...
that song is IMO, there second best song from the first 2 albums...

how people can talk about how great Burnt Offerings is, and ALone in the Dark, but not talk about Apocalyptic city is beyond me... am i the only one who remembers that song?

but other then that i think it works enough that theres enough orignailty to how they made it to make u want to get bolth versions.... its not the same as the orignal duh, thats not what they were going for...
overall a solid and good Testament Cd
Apocalyptic City was always my least favorite track on the record. Along with The Haunting, I have always thought they were the 2 weakest tracks on the album. I LOVE the FSSD version of The Haunting. This song never sounded so incredibly awesome! So in that regard, I too wish they re made Apocalyptic City, because it probably would have sounded awesome too.
It would be killer if they did a 2nd FSSD and had Zetro sing a couple of different songs like Burnt Offerings and First Strike is Deadly and have Chuck do Reign of Terror, as well as a few others they didnt do on this release - like Raging Waters, Do or Die, COTLOD and Apocalyptic City as well as Eerie Inhabitants and Blessed in Contempt (which is another really old song from the demo days.)
Ok, so Im fantasizing, what's wrong with that? LOL
Really you dont like apocalyptic city, i think its every bit as good as burnt offerings even, and yeah raging waters is another great track, and dont forget do or die... that ones alot of fun... ... but the solo in "city" just awesome....

yeah its all just wishfull thinking :p