First time recording vocals ?


Aug 21, 2011
Hey guys, what kind of processing should go on scream vocals ?

This is the result i got after processing and editing 5 voxsection.mp3

but i dont know why, i just dont think it matches the songs, the vocals sounds like they have been recorded in a different place then the rest of the stuff !

is it just my ears ? cuz ive been mixing it for like an hour now!
Maybe a bit muddy sounding/slightly lacking in presence and slightly too much reverb for this style imo but otherwise really not bad for a first time try.
Thanks man!
and the reverb thing is just to fill in the gaps cuz it really sounds weird without it that long reverb is not on all the time, just at the end of few lines :cool:
i don't even have any speakers to listen right now, but to fight the whole effect of the vocal sounding like it doesn't mesh with everything else, compressing the shit out of it can really help. then add a touch of reverb...maybe a little bit of chorus...also EQ'ing the reverb itself can help out a lot!
Sounds good to me for 1st timer. I'm actually struggling with recording vocals due to the space constrain here. Like what the others mention, EQ, reverb, compression.
I've had decent results in the past with 2 compressors on the vocal track.....slamming it REALLY hard. Like -12dB GR, like 20:1 ratio and fast attack slow release on one, maybe quicker release on the next comp.

Is this overdoing it?
I've had decent results in the past with 2 compressors on the vocal track.....slamming it REALLY hard. Like -12dB GR, like 20:1 ratio and fast attack slow release on one, maybe quicker release on the next comp.

Is this overdoing it?

If sounds good, than its ok.
Usually I don't use ultra fast attack on vocals, because that make them sound artificial.
I like to treat vocals this way:
Slate VCC "Neve". Trim the Volume Knob until it passes 0 db. Compensate the drive knob.
Next are 2 comps: CLA blue 1176 and CLA LA2A.
Then I use UAD Neve Channel Strip for eq.
Lexicon Hall 10% Wet Reverb.

Then assign it to 2 stereo aux or fx channel (prefader and stereo):
1 :LP the highs, and add a Stereo Delay and Reverb (longer than 2,5 seconds), both 100% wet.

2: Decapitator Distortion (suble, just to add presence).

Now you have 3 tracks: Main Vocal Track, Delay and Reverb Track, Distortion Track.

Next I send the 3 tracks to a Bus for blending. Finally I add Uad Studer.

If sounds good, than its ok.
Usually I don't use ultra fast attack on vocals, because that make them sound artificial.
I like to treat vocals this way:
Slate VCC "Neve". Trim the Volume Knob until it passes 0 db. Compensate the drive knob.
Next are 2 comps: CLA blue 1176 and CLA LA2A.
Then I use UAD Neve Channel Strip for eq.
Lexicon Hall 10% Wet Reverb.

Then assign it to 2 stereo aux or fx channel (prefader and stereo):
1 :LP the highs, and add a Stereo Delay and Reverb (longer than 2,5 seconds), both 100% wet.

2: Decapitator Distortion (suble, just to add presence).

Now you have 3 tracks: Main Vocal Track, Delay and Reverb Track, Distortion Track.

Next I send the 3 tracks to a Bus for blending. Finally I add Uad Studer.


Thanks for the tip man !