The Grayfox
Isn’t it a standard to dislike attractive people just for being attractive? “Alissa is hot… but I’ll never have her so she’s a fucking bitch! And she sucks! Bring back Johan!”
I didn't even knew that there was hate towards Alissa. People here in Spain seems to like her a lot.
Isn’t it a standard to dislike attractive people just for being attractive? “Alissa is hot… but I’ll never have her so she’s a fucking bitch! And she sucks! Bring back Johan!”
she grinded the van to a halt on the highway to give me the ultimatum to either kick out our other guitar player for being 'too annoying' or she would quit
Isn’t it a standard to dislike attractive people just for being attractive? “Alissa is hot… but I’ll never have her so she’s a fucking bitch! And she sucks! Bring back Johan!”
Angela vocals were just meh. Not bad, not brilliant or outstanding.
Still, people cannot expect the band to not move forward once that Angela decides that she doesn't want to be in the front lines anymore.
You guys skip the part when Alissa left The Agonist in unfriendly manner, so perhaps that's where the hate is coming from. There was also some shitty story with a photographer and how she reacted to it, so probably there's more to it than just vocals.
I think it's funny that for a while when Gossow was new to the band, people wanted Johan back, then she became well-liked and a staple of a band, only for so many people to crop up again wanting Johan back
Admittedly, I only listened to Johan-era AE once and thought it was alright, but that was back in high school, so that was a long time ago. I'm not 100% sure why people hate her, but she's fucking talented and fits well with the band. If anything, I feel like the rest of the band is what's really lacking. Amott is lacking good songwriting, Loomis is lacking any sort of actual control or real involvement, the bassist is unjustifiably lacking in the mix (It's okay, man, it happens to most bassists)... I'm not really surprised by any of it at this point. The singles did give me a bit of hope with some really fucking awesome flair that I thought they didn't have anymore, but I dunno, I just want them to revitalize themselves, really make a true third AE era with Alissa.
For me, the biggest "improvement" are the synths on Gateway's chorus. They make the song more... Emotive. Passionate.