Five Former Members Of In Flames Unite In The Halo Effect

I was expecting backing vocals, specially on the clean choruses. But I'm glad that they didn't.

I like a lot the flow of the songs. They move naturally from one section to the next. But it's also remarkable the flow of the album. The order in which they put the songs is perfect. It makes a great experience.
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I'm still not quite sold on Matt's vocals on Last Of Our Kind, feels a bit jarring, although the song itself is great.

Such a good album! All of this still kinda feels surreal to me, from all our favorite ex-In Flames boys playing together in a new band (in 2022!) to them releasing an outstanding quality melodeath album with no bad songs (in 2022!) to them playing big shows and receiving glowing reviews. Feels good, man.
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Yeah Heafy's screams and cleans on that song are kinda weak. I've heard him do better with Trivium. I'll get used to them but could have been better.

That opening to Conditional though... just has Jesper written all over it. Then the song just explodes into life and goes strong until the end :cool: I love it.
A Truth Worth Lying For is probably second behind Conditional for me as best studio track we hadn't heard yet. Love the intro, although anybody who says they can't hear Ropes is either lying or forgotten that song. Riffs across this song are just fantastic, great drumming too.

Only slightly odd thing for me is the production and mixing of the clean vocals. They almost sound... too raw? A bit too loud in the mix? I may actually play around with this in Adobe Audition later.
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Time to drive home, windows down, Halo Effect playing loud and proud :heh:
I'm trying to convince the family to go out for a while without me so that I can do that. If they don't, then I'll have to murder them.

Also, the lossless version has been released at the getmetal club.
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My pre-order CD arrives on the 16th. Not often I buy physical albums these days, but this is one I want in my collection for sure.
Some interesting points there to be touched upon.

Regarding Loomis, I'm sure he is making more money than he ever did before in his career, and playing in front of bigger crowds than ever. Guy is 50 years old, this is his "happily ever after". His last solo album came out 10 years ago. And if you think about it, that's probably about right when shredders on youtube stopped being popular and everyone has moved on to the next big thing, be it djent, or proggy/fusion stuff like Plini and others. I respect his stuff with Nevermore, and I respect his solo stuff too but he would have to severely dumb down his songwriting and also intentionally try to mime something that is not natural for him - he never wrote pretty melodies, it's always harmonic minor and diminished scales and "evil" sounding stuff. It's also understated how liberating it is to be a band member that doesn't have the pressure to write an album every other year, he just needs to show up on time, play the show, get that money and play some solos. I'm sure he enjoys his gig a lot and all the sympathy online in the comments regarding him wasting his time with the band are all unwarranted. What is he supposed to do, go back to playing guitar clinics for 50 people and teach them sweep arpeggios? When I saw Arch Enemy a few years back the crowd was so massive that I couldn't even see the band from people piling on top of each other and I was in 5th or 6th row. It blew my mind how popular they are.

On topic of previous singers... there is a certain charm to old-school (whatever that may be) melodeath that is not overproduced, with fairly natural sounding vocals that are at times very flawed and imperfect but that have certain raw emotion to them. I wouldn't even call myself a fan of them necessarily, I just like a song here and there, but Johan-era AE has that vibe about its vocals that are similar to Anders on TJR/Whoracle or Tomas on Terminal Spirit Disease. It's not technically perfect but it's full of soul and emotion.
Angela was not too different live but in the studio they started heavily experimenting with processing her vocals, putting shitton of distortion on it and all sorts of studio touch-ups and effects. Mind you, this is not something an average listener pays much attention or is bothered by.

With Alissa, it's just too perfect. She is really good at growling, I don't want to take anything away from her, she is more technically proficient than 99% of the people who do that for a living, but then they also process her vocals on top of it all and it sounds too perfect. Like drums that were quantized to be 100% perfectly in time. When I listen to modern Arch Enemy I don't even pay attention to the vocals subconsciously anymore, because they are not doing anything unique, there is no emotion in it whatsoever, no memorable hooks, no frustration in her voice, it's all by the book, like they are there because they are required to be there. That's all without even going into the matter of Alissa's lyrics being really flat and dull. I mean Angela's schtick was also one dimensional as hell but it gave the band a signature at least, whereas Alissa comes off like a greenhorn social justice warrior with a week-old reddit account that just got her broadband connection yesterday:

"I heard there was a place
Where we're all one race
Color, gender, age never could dictate
I saw there was a time
When we valued all life
Nobody oppressed, everyone had rights"​

Shit, when you say all of it like that, I can't help but completely agree. Granted, I haven't listened to too much Johan or Gossow-era material, but I can definitely see what you mean. A lot of modern metal is devoid of that sort of emotion- It's why even though I've heard so many people hype up the newest Erra album (I try avoiding modern metalcore, but quite a few of my friends love it), I just can't get into it. I guess that's just how I feel about 90% of modern metalcore in both the vocal and instrument department through and through. Same with modern Shinedown.

I was expecting backing vocals, specially on the clean choruses. But I'm glad that they didn't.

I like a lot the flow of the songs. They move naturally from one section to the next. But it's also remarkable the flow of the album. The order in which they put the songs is perfect. It makes a great experience.

Man, I was really hoping there would be the backing vocals for "In Broken Trust" that the Sweden Rock Festival had. Those really make the chorus for me. Haven't gotten to listen to the album yet though, so maybe I'm wrong. I'm just thankful it's my day off so I can listen to this.
Haven't gotten to listen to the album yet, but my favorite songs are definitely "In Broken Trust", "Conditional", "The Needless End", and "A Truth Worth Lying For". I can't wait, this is the one album I'm actually excited for this year.
OK, time for a (very long) review :D

Shadowminds - A cool name for a great album opener and finale for live shows. Right from the start we hear a common theme of the album, very successful and tasteful use of electronic sounds. The song itself is very well known by now. Dynamic, epic, catchy, a bit more on the DT side with some IF flavor. When it came out I thought that melodic/solo section was sticking out a bit, but I'm used to it now. 9/10

Days of the Lost
- Maybe the most Clayman-era IF-sounding song on the album. Keeps the tempo up all the time, has fantastic melodies and Mikael singing just works so well in this one. I have a minor gripe with the first solo as it builds up beautifully and ends abruptly in a weird way. Riff after the second solo is something every melodeath song should have. I actually like this one more than when it came out. 8.5/10

The Needles End - We're back at DT territory. Nice dark melody in the beginning and some serious mid 90s riffing and drumming. Third song in a row with a catchy chorus without it being total radio-friendly cringefest. Also, third song in a row that doesn't repeat the same formula and can surprise you with a break, riff or melodic line. Nice warm guitar tone in the end. Ends too soon however and they could have extended this part (I guess they didn't want to because of the next song's intro). 8.5/10

Conditional -
Beautiful opening. I love how they let things breathe and develop the same melodic idea without rushing to get to the first chorus. Intro this calm makes the first riff even better and more impactful. The first minute of this song has to be the best thing in the genre in the last 20 years or so. Pounding drums in the verse and again, nice use of electronic layers to spice things up without taking over the song. Epic, catchy chorus that shits over most music today. Good decision not to have a proper solo in this one. Short song, but flows so well. 9.5/10

In Broken Trust - I guess this is how DT was supposed to sound around year 2010 but failed. The intro riff sounded better live, much heavier while on the album it has some weird layers over/under it. The verse is pure evil with some great melodic, harmonized riffing in the end. Not sure about the chorus though. Not bad, cool melodic work in the background, but these cleans don't work for me. Good change of pace and style with this solo, a bit more chaotic and interesting than on the rest of the album. 8/10

Gateways -
Hands down the best modern DT song. :) That chorus hits so hard. Stanne's voice is so convincing and works so well with background sounds. Cool melodic work towards the end and some unexpected arpeggios on keyboards as well. Nothing to spectacular individually, but every note adds up to a great and a very emotional song. 9/10

A Truth Worth Lying For - Quite disappointed with this one. Not a bad song, but sounds much better live than on the album. The intro is a bit Ropes-like and there are other parts of this song that sound strangely familiar. Again, don't think cleans work well here. It should have been growls or much higher and powerful clean singing. Cool acoustics in the end, BUT I miss the clapping hands from the live version. That sounded so epic. 8/10

Feel What I Believe -
Another one we know well. Maybe the strongest song on the album. The way riffs are constantly building the tension up is fantastic. Some good ol' melodeath in the verses, catchy chorus, harmonies everywhere, Mikael spitting his lines with such conviction and power... Nice, groovy riffs to break things up a bit and then back to that chorus. I can't find a fault in this one so I'm gonna do what I never do and give this a 10/10.

Last of Our Kind -
Interesting decision to open with classical instead of guitars. Good riff. You can hear Jesper from DZ or even The Resistance clearly. Maybe not a great song on it's own but works really well in the context of the whole album. Some ASOP sound in that melodic break towards the end. The Trivium guy did a solid job although I was never a big fan of his voice. 8/10

The Most Alone -
Fuck, they didn't need a melody in this intro. Chords only had such a depressive, cinematic quality. Walking in the night, rain falling, something bad about to happen and stuff like that. Melodic line over that was pretty generic and to happy sounding. Stanne sounds really evil on this one and the chorus is great again. The solo part comes out of nowhere. Really good and in another song it would've killed, but feels out of place with the tone of this song. This one sounded better live. Maybe could have ended with a longer fade out section or something. 8/10

In total, this might be the best album of the genre in the last 20+ years. 9/10 for me and would've given it an additional 0.5 if they included all those cool acoustics they have lying around the studio. Can't wait to see what's next.
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I don't often give out 10/10's either, but no hesitation with Shadowminds and Conditional. Genuinely not a single thing I would change about either of them, and they are both incredible live, so they tick all boxes.

I do agree that there's something weird about the clean vocals on A Truth Worth Lying For and In Broken Trust though. Kind of feels like they were inserted from the pre-mix phase. Not sure what's happened there.
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I haven't quite finished the album yet, but I love the cleans in "A Truth Worth Lying For". The cleans in "In Broken Trust"... They just don't pop without the backing vocals that the Sweden Rock Festival had, and that really fucking sucks. I think "Conditional" might just replace it as my favorite song from the album.
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Just working with the vocals on Truth Worth Lying for at the moment... a definite improvement imo by reducing the decibels on the cleans a little. Not sure it really needs anything more than that.
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