Five Former Members Of In Flames Unite In The Halo Effect

"The Who Effect? Aren't those some kind of DT tribute band? Now let's play some old songs for no reason".

Suddenly, the "crowd reaction" to the old songs is not an important matter.
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The Most Alone had a very DT feel to me as well, especially the opening. We haven't even had the first album released yet and I'm aleady desperate to hear what's going to be on the next one. Feels like there is unlimited potential with this combination of musicians - a group of guys who collectively have never been interested in commercialisation or becoming big names, just people who are not only dedicated to their craft but have a profound respect for where they came from. They aren't embarrassed by the Gothenberg metal label, they embrace it but still find ways to make it sound fresh and unique. Fanboy level 1000, but I don't care. THE is what I've been waiting for since In Flames, DT and Soilwork abandoned the path towards the end of the 2000s. Fiction was pretty much where it ended, until now.
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I never really thought about it like that but you are right, if I had to pinpoint the last "big" album that ended that kind of sound, it's definitely Fiction. Pretty weird that that album is 15 years old now.

Too bad Jesper wasn't there. But Jensen dude is doing a great job and seem to have a good stage presence.
Jensen also filled in for ATG at Wacken. Wonder if he goes on tour with them as well. Dude is everywhere right now.
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Cool, then he can tell Anders about this great new underground band he played with recently. Hallo, Hello, Halo something... I'm not sure about the name.
I think my most anticipated song on the album has changed to Gateways. I've watched the Wacken show a few times now and I really love the flow of that song.

Ah who am I kidding... I'm looking forward to the whole thing.
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I want to listen to Confitional. My favourite song fron the unreleased ones. Though Gateways was also amazing.
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"Anders sucks and I wipe my ass with Battles" is what I understand from my limited German.
Cute story on how Heafy got involved. Didn't know they were friends with Stanne since 90s

First of all we talked about having guest musicians on the album at all. In the beginning we thought about having Anders Björler (ex-AT THE GATES) do some guitar solos or something. Just asking everyone in the scene that we know and making it a fun experience. But in the end we were like, 'No, people want to hear Daniel and Peter play together or Niclas and Jesper.' I think that's more important, so we focused on that. We did mention what we were working on to Matt though, and he immediately said, "If there's room somewhere for me to be a part of that, that would be awesome." I was probably thinking of that song specifically because it's such a return to that , how we felt back then and what music we were listening to back then.

I remembered back in the mid 90's when Matt and I started sending letters back and forth. There was no email then. He was just starting out in music and was a huge fan of the Gothenburg scene. He was so interested in it even though he had never been to Sweden before nor had he ever toured Europe at the time. I wrote him that we all had our rehearsal rooms right next to each other, in a hallway. That was us (meaning DARK TRANQUILLITY, author's note), DISSECTION, AT THE GATES and IN FLAMES. Of course we all hung out together and watched each other too.He couldn't believe it and texted back something like, "Holy shit, how I wish I could be there and bring a tape player." So I thought back to how excited he was about it and it suddenly did It makes perfect sense to have a fan of the scene at the time be part of the song. When I asked him if he would like to contribute, all he said was, "Anything, even just a word, I'll do it."
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Say what you will about Alissa as AE vocalist, but she has some set of pipes on her. Live vocals sounding pretty much identical to on record. Same with Stanne. Then you've got Anders, who if he manages 10 seconds of death growl is considered a legend to some :D

I think Alissa's the only thing at this point that excites me about AE. Sure, they've been blowing my expectations out of the water, but I dunno, I wasn't expecting anything that'd be much better than something like Sworn to a Great Divide by Soilwork, so that's not too much of a compliment.

I always thought Engelin was underrated in the genre. First two Gardenian albums were pretty much close to what IF was doing at the time, but with a twist and worse production.

I've only listened to the first album, and it's fucking awesome. I've heard bad things about the third album, but I really need to listen to the others sometime.

The Most Alone had a very DT feel to me as well, especially the opening. We haven't even had the first album released yet and I'm aleady desperate to hear what's going to be on the next one. Feels like there is unlimited potential with this combination of musicians - a group of guys who collectively have never been interested in commercialisation or becoming big names, just people who are not only dedicated to their craft but have a profound respect for where they came from. They aren't embarrassed by the Gothenberg metal label, they embrace it but still find ways to make it sound fresh and unique. Fanboy level 1000, but I don't care. THE is what I've been waiting for since In Flames, DT and Soilwork abandoned the path towards the end of the 2000s. Fiction was pretty much where it ended, until now.

Gothenburg melodeath is my favorite sound, so it's nice that there's something in the style not only being done with passion and a fervor, but being celebrated by many fans- Especially the jaded ones. It's just fucking wonderful, and it makes me really happy to see so many other peoples' prayers be answered in such an unexpected way.

Cute story on how Heafy got involved. Didn't know they were friends with Stanne since 90s

First of all we talked about having guest musicians on the album at all. In the beginning we thought about having Anders Björler (ex-AT THE GATES) do some guitar solos or something. Just asking everyone in the scene that we know and making it a fun experience. But in the end we were like, 'No, people want to hear Daniel and Peter play together or Niclas and Jesper.' I think that's more important, so we focused on that. We did mention what we were working on to Matt though, and he immediately said, "If there's room somewhere for me to be a part of that, that would be awesome." I was probably thinking of that song specifically because it's such a return to that , how we felt back then and what music we were listening to back then.

I remembered back in the mid 90's when Matt and I started sending letters back and forth. There was no email then. He was just starting out in music and was a huge fan of the Gothenburg scene. He was so interested in it even though he had never been to Sweden before nor had he ever toured Europe at the time. I wrote him that we all had our rehearsal rooms right next to each other, in a hallway. That was us (meaning DARK TRANQUILLITY, author's note), DISSECTION, AT THE GATES and IN FLAMES. Of course we all hung out together and watched each other too.He couldn't believe it and texted back something like, "Holy shit, how I wish I could be there and bring a tape player." So I thought back to how excited he was about it and it suddenly did It makes perfect sense to have a fan of the scene at the time be part of the song. When I asked him if he would like to contribute, all he said was, "Anything, even just a word, I'll do it."

Well, shit. I thought it was just a random thing to have him on there with the closest reason being that he liked and was inspired by Gothenburg melodeath. That's pretty fucking awesome, and that changes my mind completely about his feature. I'm all for it now.
I think Alissa's the only thing at this point that excites me about AE. Sure, they've been blowing my expectations out of the water, but I dunno, I wasn't expecting anything that'd be much better than something like Sworn to a Great Divide by Soilwork, so that's not too much of a compliment.

I honestly don't get why people seem to hate Alissa so much. She's a damn good vocalist. I can only assume it's because she's good looking and likes to pose and stuff on stage, but it doesn't bother me. I'd much rather watch her than hipster hamster, anyway, and she can actually sing. Personally I think Will to Power was a great record, but I think in this neck of the woods only me and Galvanized had anything nice to say about it :D oh well. New album to me is nowhere near as varied or interesting, but it's heavier so maybe people will like that more. I think AE are at a point now where they could put out something objectively better than anything they've released prior and a hefty portion of the metal community would shun it and call it shit because of elitism. I mean, fuck, there are plenty of shit bands around without claiming that Arch Enemy are one of them.

What is happening?

No new single, no leak? O tempora, o mores.

Very disappointed in @mindd and the Russian contingent. We want our leak, damn it. It had better come tomorrow or I'll be writing a strongly worded letter to Putin. You want to withold gas, fine, but don't deny us our fucking leaks.
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I didn't even knew that there was hate towards Alissa. People here in Spain seems to like her a lot.