Ah well


Anywhow, this album should hopefully put a stop to some of the ridiculous statements that've been circulating around.
Well, one thing I can say for sure, In Dreams of Terror is now my absolute favorite Thrash Metal song.

This is one of those albums where if you take anything away it would actually become worse. There is nothing that I find out of place or unappealing. It is excellent. I really don't see the reluctance of most of the reviews I've read (who have only said good things about the album) to give it a perfect 10/10. It wouldn't be hard for me to say this is the best Thrash album I've heard. If not then its definitely in my top 5, right up there with Coma of Souls, Ride The Lightning, Alice in Hell and No More Color.

As far as the band goes, I think this is going to be a turning point. Topping this would be a feat of a godly magnitude.
Bit tough to absorb it all in one listen! Gonna take a while to settle. On one listen I particularly like Origin of Oblivion (although Glasgow Shot-Putter's Shepherd's Pie was a better title :lol: ) and I enjoyed the whole thing. It's a little more diverse sounding than Infected Nations was, although it seems to retain the dark feel of that album. I like! Look forward to hearing some of this new stuff live.

I'll play two or three tracks on tonight's show!
My only problem was that I got WAY too hyped for the "solo battle" in Long Live New Flesh. It's like Matt's turning into Max Cavalera... Other than that, this album is fucking incredible.
I've listened to the non-single tracks from the leak on youtube like four or five times each now (Don't judge me), but I'm not gonna post my opinion until I can hear the thing straight through. My UK pre-order isn't here yet, and not I'm kinda worrying that I might not get it until the BS US release date far too long from now. :erk:

I will say one thing however, I fucking love Evile. :kickass:

problem, Americans? :lol:

favourite song? i like them all! except Centurion. maybe that will come later. not a bad song though!

by the way, sorry for the bad quality of the picture :lol: it's taken with my phone because my parents took the camera with them on vacation -.-'
oh, and i was wondering...

@3:02 ... is that part of a song that didn't make it onto the record because it doesn't sound familiar.. or am i missing something? :lol:
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Centurion is my favorite one. Love the chorus.

The whole record is brilliant, i like every song. Musically it is by far their best record but I think that Matt's better vocal performance is on Infected Nations. I think his singing style was more unique there.
Centurion is my favorite one. Love the chorus.

The whole record is brilliant, i like every song. Musically it is by far their best record but I think that Matt's better vocal performance is on Infected Nations. I think his singing style was more unique there.

you're joking, right? i'd choose the vocal style on FST above IN any day
"Hello there Keenan, Unfortunately due to unforeseen production and customs issues there has been slight delay with the Evile Serpent Cult Packs, however we are shipping whatever we can ahead of the arrival of the final pieces and all should be with you by the end of the week. I can only apologise for this situation and hope that everything reaches you as soon as possible."

Thanks Earache.
that's basically why i never pre-order an album. i've never had it on the day of release. now i walked into a store and i could immediately buy it.
Sounds like a marvelous album judging by everyone's review! I also received the same message as Keenan :/ I'm still not going to listen to it yet though