"flashy" band shirts vs plain ones?

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New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2010
What do you guys think of the new band shirts bands are coming out with? The ones that have the print all over the shirt, like these:
all over print

do you think they’re too flashy? Do you prefer the older, simpler designs? Personally I think they’re really cool and they look nice, but I’ve also heard other people say they’re too busy. What do you guys think? Would you wear it?
I think they look pretty cool, but I prefer the simpler ones. I almost bought a Slayer one until I relized it had print all over and I ended up finding a regular one.
As long as the shirt isn't just a square album cover and that's it, I'm pretty happy really... it's nice to see some originality but maybe this is stretching what most fans are after when looking for a band-shirt. I agree with what you heard, they look too busy.
The flashy ones look cool, but i prefer the more old fashioned ones. It's cool with pictures (bandpictures or album covers) on shirts, but i think it gets a little too flashy for my taste when they put them all over the shirt..
If I buy a metal shirt nowadays its almost certain that it will only include the band logo. Maybe some other msall image. I dont like the full-print ones or the classical ons with a huge picture on the front (sometimes a while cd cover). Less is more!
I feel like they just look like more fashion oriented shirts rather than looking like band shirts. I like the shirts with just a little bit on the front, just some imagery that is related to the band and their name, I'm trying to express my musical tastes not look flashy and or cool.
I feel like they just look like more fashion oriented shirts rather than looking like band shirts. I like the shirts with just a little bit on the front, just some imagery that is related to the band and their name, I'm trying to express my musical tastes not look flashy and or cool.

Well said. Like the logo, or maybe an smaller image of their album artwork is fine, but nothing over the top like these.
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