flirting the NEWS, for all men

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Learning the hard way really is the only way. Look at it this way, all relationships up until the one you're in that you happen to die during are relationships that didn't work out.

Personally, I think that people spend too much time focusing on relationships instead of really exploring into themselves and the world around them. The whole point of a relationship is just to explore that as a team (which can at some times be tougher.)

Hang in there Isis, you'll be fine.
Its different from state to state, but where I am its minimum of 30min uppaid meal break for every 6 hours, and minimum 10 minute rest break once every 4 hours.

Of course there's bound to be exemptions for certain jobs, and I could imagine that if less was written into the contract/application whatever then that's a legal way around it too.
Chromatose said:
Its different from state to state, but where I am its minimum of 30min uppaid meal break for every 6 hours, and minimum 10 minute rest break once every 4 hours.

Of course there's bound to be exemptions for certain jobs, and I could imagine that if less was written into the contract/application whatever then that's a legal way around it too.

Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks. However, when employers do offer breaks of 5 to 20 minutes, federal law considers the breaks work time that must be paid. (taken from
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
FA- If you work over 6 hours you are entiled to one paid half hour break. That's what the law is here. Don't know the deal where you are though.Check it out because i'm sure your boss if fucking you over on this.

Im a trainer at the place I work, and at one of the trainer meetings, someone had brought up the fact of how come we dont get breaks when we work DBL's and my manager said, "well we just don't do that here!" Regular shifts are usually no longer than 6 hrs. I don't really complain, except when I get home and have to soak my feet just to keep caluses away. I'll look into it though.
I just keep it into the open, because i don't want to let it become sneaky or "tensed" for my partner to watch a porn-movie! I would hate it, if he would watch it without me and that that has to remain a secret. No fun in that, i would feel pushed aside and passed by. To keep it into the open, would create possibilities for me, too!!

I know first hand about that Iris, why not include your partner in with it, why not even make some "TOGETHER". Why not make it a mutual pleasure, because it does make u feel pushed aside and passed by. And it seems impossible for them to understand why it makes u feel that way!!!

lizard said:
haha! well of course I'm joking...I've appreciated every one of mine, rest assured.
Lizard: 100% all natural!

I know, you stated you've "never" faked an orgasm. And I've never heard of a guy faking one.
lizard said:
well, women only fake them to make their men feel better, right?

I don't. Fortuneatly I married a man that doesn't require me to have to fake an orgasm. I wouldn't anyway, if he's not doing it right, than I would take charge and show him how it's done.....HAHA.
awright Sin! you are "da man!"