floor tom mic


Who'r u calling a Junior?
Nov 11, 2003
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What mic do you guys use on a floor tom? I'm concidering all sm57s on toms, but I don't know if sm57 will be good for floor tom
I think the 57 could sound ok on the floor tom, though it will probably lack soem balls. If that's all your budget allows then go for it. Otherwise a 421 jsut for the floor tom would be good.
I have some tom mics from a shitty drum mic pack (samson) but I'm getting a 421 for my floor tom because I think the floor tom sounds the worst with a samson tom mic. So from someone who has done research, that really is the way to go. Perhaps you should replace the floor tom with a sample?
I vote for Sennheiser e604's. I can't wait to get my set.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again now. I worked with 421's for a few years as dedicated tom mics. I thought they could never be beat, until a drummer came in with a set of e604's for his toms. I tried them out just to humor the guy, and to my surprise they sounded great. I convinced my boss to buy a set and since that day, until I quit months later, we had not even touched any of the 6 421's we had for drums at all. Only for guitar mic'ing here and there. e604's just kicked ass.

But that's me and my taste. Although I noticed I was more happy with my drums once we switched to the e604's. I never thought anything negative about it before, but they really made a difference in a great way.

Forgot to add: in case you didn't know, there was a thread on this forum quite a while back that did a shootout between the SM57, 421, e604, and some other mic...and everybody that blindly voted for the best sounding, picked the e604. I'll see if I can scrounge up that thread.

I use SM57s right now for my kit. It's a cheap solution, but far from the best. I find that the SM57 works best (tom wise) for the high tom. The mid and floor toms don't get enough power and boom with the mic (as nebulous said lacked balls).
I've heard the 421s, amazing sound. though I've been eying at the e604s for years (heard bout em before the 421s). I really wanna hear the comparison between the three now since it'll be what I use now in comparison to what I'll replace it with.

Also Samson is crap. cheap crap, you get what you pay for (first mics I ever worked with)
The 604's are great, I have six of 'em. On floor toms, they suck. I use my LDCs on the big toms, and a 57 or 58 works better than the 604, to my ears. The 604 is GREAT, don't get me wrong, but big toms and snare, not good.
57's definatly need a LOT of scooping to get you in that metal tom sound ball bark, but they are a relly workable sound, . 421's sound like they have it done for you!
57's work great for me on all toms. It helps when you mix in room mics though to get what they lack. If you're only getting your tom sound from direct mics and cutting most out of the OH or room mic, 57's do lack a little balls.
@black sugar

It's not strict, but I can't afford 300 euros per mic.


I remember that thread, but I couldn't find it. Thank you

Thank you all for replys. Now I have a kick start for further reseach.