floor tom mic

The 604s are awesome. I use 'em on my drummer's rack toms. I use an e602 on the floor, though, and it's massive. I'd like to try some Audix stuff, maybe a D6?
I know, but I wanted quantity just to be able to record with that many mics at all. The OH aren't horrible though. :)

hehe, thats what they want you to think. truth is you only need 3 mics to properly mic a kit. two overheads and a kick. i started with two Samson R11 mics (one on rack toms one on floor) and an SM57 on snare and a beta 52 on kick. Slow and smart purchases is key. buy what you will use later, otherwise i look at it as wasted $. though I never bought my Samson mics (parents did for some reason and they were laying around the house), I did buy the SM57 and beta 52. since i was very cheap at first i used rubber bands and some other crap to keep the Samson R11 centered in between the rack toms. it didn't sound that bad (for the crap it was), but its far from a SM57 on them. the Samson kit may be helpful for a live setting, but definitely not for a studio.
57's definatly need a LOT of scooping to get you in that metal tom sound ball bark, but they are a relly workable sound, . 421's sound like they have it done for you!

This has been my experience-- the 421's sound closer to what I want out of the gate.
I've had better luck w/ the 604's than 57's but at least part of that is their size makes placement very easy/flexible. I generally try to use something else on the floor tom (RE20 or 421) when I'm working w/ 57's or 604's on toms.
I have the 604 for toms and sm57 for snare top.

604 are perfect for toms.( perhaps the floortom needs an other mic)

and sm57 is fantastic for snare. BFD are recorded with sm57 for snare top and bottom.

but at least toms are real bastards to mic.

At first this fuckers must be realy good tuned and then tape them that they don´t sound to much after the hit.

good luck on your search