Florida Bands

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I decided to look around for some Florida bands in case Lance might need any assistance finding bands for all day saturday.

http://www.myspace.com/sevenkingdoms (Prog/Thrash/Death) mainly death vocals, but they are understandable

http://www.myspace.com/officialalexandria (Prog/Thrash) female vocals

http://www.myspace.com/supremacyroxx (Power) also features Mark Cross on drums and Bill Hudson on guitar so I dont know if that is possible since I am not sure on their availability.

http://www.myspace.com/shallowminds (Prog)

http://www.myspace.com/dreamzfateband (Power/Traditional)
Here's another. I mentioned them in another post. This band is excellent instrumental, well, you fill in that blank:



Also, there is an excellent band called Spellbinder. They've been around for years and years. I couldn't find a web site for them. They put out a new album last year, but I haven't heard of them playing out at all. There sound is very much in the Fates/Queensryche realm.
All this talk about Florida bands and no one not even me has given a thought to one Florida band that would fit perfect. I am talking about WICKED WALTZ from Pensacola.
Umm,forgive me if this is a dumb question,but what about The Mountain King????