Floyd-Rose lock nut insert swap anyone ?


Aug 26, 2007
Paris / Montpellier, FRANCE

i was just setting up my new guitar, which has a floyd rose, and reading a tutorial at the same time and came upon this bit which got me intrigued :

"With a firm hand (but not too tight) tighten the lock nut screws. Take note of the orientation of the lock nut inserts. They are curved on the bottom to match the curve on the top of the lock nut. Also make sure to replace the base string side lock nut insert, and not to swap it with the middle or treble side inserts – wear on them can make them less reliable if switched around. "

(taken from : http://www.totalmusicsource.com/information.php?pID=85)

I've never paid attention to this when putting the lock nut inserts back in place, and i'm pretty sure i lose track of which insert is which (bottom/low strings, middle strings, high strings) when i change them and swap them accidentaly.

Do you guys look out for this when putting those lock nut inserts back in place ?
The post i quoted makes a lot of sense now that i think about it (the wear of the low E string being different than the wear of the high E string for instance, and corresponding to one nut insert if it's always put back in its right (=former) spot), but i've never bothered about this till' now, so i was wondering if it was that important (it's the first time read/hear about it) or if you guys are like me and do not care and it's never been a problem till' then.

I guess from now on i will pay attention when putting those inserts back in place and have them in the right spot (= the spot they had before i took them out), but i'd like to know if not doing so for years was really bad for my other guitar.

By the way, on the stock guitar equipped with a floyd-rose tremolo, are those 3 lock nut inserts any different or all the same ?
I guess even if they are all the same, with time they start to get a different wear depending on their position (low strings, mid strings, high strings) and become "different" in the end and should be kept in the same spot for good.

Last but not least, are those inserts "one-way" only or could they been turned the other way around (which means they would be kind of symetrical) ? Do you look out for that (putting them back in the EXACT same position (including way) as they were before) or not ?
As time goes on, they'll start to develop some wear patterns that make certain ones better for certain positions, but it should be fine for now. I forget which were which on my guitars all the time. Basically, you'll be fine as long as you keep them oriented with the peak parallel to the strings (as shown in that diagram above).
As time goes on, they'll start to develop some wear patterns that make certain ones better for certain positions, but it should be fine for now. I forget which were which on my guitars all the time. Basically, you'll be fine as long as you keep them oriented with the peak parallel to the strings (as shown in that diagram above).

Thanks a ton ! I was afraid i did something really wrong and now i feel relieved :)