Flu Shots?

I think they're for old folks like me....Just stay away from sick people and you'll be A-Ok...:p
I wish I would have gotten one last year, I felt like I was going to die from the agony.... It sucked.

The flu virus will live on a door knob for over 72 hours and this is the way it's transferred, by touching knobs, buttons and things other people touch, so if you use that anti-bacterial stuff on you hands and don't touch your face between disinfections, then you may not catch it.
I have to get them every year because I am so suseptible to getting bronchitis. If I get the flu it almost without fail goes straight to my chest and turns to bronchitis. Not a good thing for a drummer to have! :lol: So it's a preventive for me. I have been getting them for the last 4 years (minus one year when we had that "shortage" - whatever) and only had bronchitis once as opposed to the once or twice a year epsiodes I so looked forward to. :erk: I've just heard mixed results from peeps and was curious of others' experiences with it. I am a firm believer in them. I don't believe you can get sick from the shots tho, because they are not live viruses. It usually means either you already had a flu virus to begin with or you caught a flu of a different strain (?) than the shot proctected against....but I could be wrong.
Doodoobubbachuck said:
I am a firm believer in them. I don't believe you can get sick from the shots tho, because they are not live viruses. It usually means either you already had a flu virus to begin with or you caught a flu of a different strain (?) than the shot proctected against....but I could be wrong.

You are correct Linda. An infectious disease specialist explained once that most of the "flu-like " symptoms are the immune systems response to an infection. You do not feel the infection itself of flu.

Minus a bunch of medical terminology that clanged off my head, your body reacts to the flu shot "virus" the same as if it were a live one and you feel bad due to the immune response. Since there is no live replicating virus the reaction is very short as your system develops antibodies and cleans it out. The antibodies remain to battle any real virus the gets in later.

Bottom line you get the shot you will feel a little icky but it shouldn't knock you out like the real thing.

Way back when in the Navy we got shots for yellow fever or typhoid I don't recall which but those really jacked me up. :ill:

I get flu shots every year as well.

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spideyjg said:
You are correct Linda. An infectious disease specialist explained once that most of the "flu-like " symptoms are the immune systems response to an infection. You do not feel the infection itself of flu.

Minus a bunch of medical terminology that clanged off my head, your body reacts to the flu shot "virus" the same as if it were a live one and you feel bad due to the immune response. Since there is no live replicating virus the reaction is very short as your system develops antibodies and cleans it out. The antibodies remain to battle any real virus the gets in later.

Bottom line you get the shot you will feel a little icky but it shouldn't knock you out like the real thing.

Way back when in the Navy we got shots for yellow fever or typhoid I don't recall which but those really jacked me up. :ill:

I get flu shots every year as well.


Thanks for the explanation. The doctor's office always hands out an info sheet insisting you cannot catch the flu from a shot, well, this clears that all up doesn't it; you don't actually get the flu but you just FEEL like you have it then!? LOL! That and a sore arm! A couple times after I got the shot I felt so up and alive.....was pretty nice! :loco: This was one of those times! Woohoo! :headbang:
Good explanation Spidey, that's always been my understanding. Some people have better immune systems than others. I had an old girlfriend that was prone to getting sick a lot, while I'd always be fine. If I got sick a lot I'd get the shots, but I hardly ever do. Just before I went to Africa this year, I got what seemed like every shot known to mankind. Africa has lot's of diseases and I wanted to be safe rather than sorry. So, my first (that's right, first!) doctor visit I got harpooned 6 times (3 in each arm). I never got any side affects other than sore arms for about a week.
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i had never get that, but my sister who is really really suceptible to get flu did it once and anyway she get sick .... and then some doctor explain that the shot is for just some types of flues buth since there are like ... a lot of types of flues you can´t prevent them all, so my mother get really mad with the shots and now when the cold season is comming my mom gives my sister a lot of C Vitamin now its hard for she to get sick with that thousand oranges, pils and lemmons that my mom make to my sister eat jejeje so mabe linda why dont you try the.... vitamin c or (c vitamin really dont know a lot of english jejeje) good luck with those flu problems!!:)
I get them every year because it's mandatory in the military. I never have any adverse reactions and I never feel like I have a mild case of the flu after getting them. They are virtually painless, and actually, kind of cool if the tech screws it up and doesn't go deep enough because then I get a bubble in my arm that I can play around with. :kickass:
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here in the Army we get a nasal spray in both nostrils. The shots are a thing of the past....but it still sux big time. I was sick for a few weeks soon after. We had them about a month ago.
Well, I am glad I got the flu shot this year. I have seemed to have been hit with everything else possible BUT the flu over the last 4 weeks. I am getting through a throat infection and bronchitis now. I never knew what it felt like to have bronchitis without the flu!!! :zombie: It's not as bad as I imagined. LOL! It just makes you sooooooooo tired. Flu shots.....thank goodness. I've got antibiotics the size of a small strawberry to take which means no tequila shots for me at Canes! :cry: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Doodoobubbachuck said:
Well, I am glad I got the flu shot this year. I have seemed to have been hit with everything else possible BUT the flu over the last 4 weeks. I am getting through a throat infection and bronchitis now. I never knew what it felt like to have bronchitis without the flu!!! :zombie: It's not as bad as I imagined. LOL! It just makes you sooooooooo tired. Flu shots.....thank goodness. I've got antibiotics the size of a small strawberry to take which means no tequila shots for me at Canes! :cry: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The way you beat the shit out of those drums, I'm sure you'll beat the shit out of that flu! Keep on it!!!!:devil:
I never get a flu shot - I'm like RedShirt - pretty resilient for the most part. I think I just got lucky - I take after my mom who's a powerhouse! It does help that I train hard and frequently so I'm always boosting my immune system by breaking a good sweat!

As a supplement, my personal fave immune support is Wellness Formula
(in the capsule form, not the tablets) found in the local health food store. Ya gotta catch it right away when you're feeling a bug starting to bite (but IMO, it will lessen the duration). Since I'm small, I only take half the recommended dosage. I swear it works! That and chanting "I WILL NOT get sick" to myself before I go to sleep. :lol:
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