Flu Shots?

I sure wish that I would have taken Linda's advice and gotten a flu shot a few months back. I think that I am now recovering from what has been 2 weeks of total misery. Never been this sick for so long in my life. Anyway, next week it is off to the doctor for a shot. If I catch this !@#@#@$ again this winter, I will truly want to die.....
I never get flu shots, but pretty much never get the flu (haven't since I was a little kid). Ironically, I have just gotten over a small cold with sore throat (my most common sympton), slight chills, head occasional cough. It hit in fullness right on Christmas, and I'd been experiencing a case of the holiday blues. So I knew my mindest played a role in my lowered immunity, and saw a homoepath ASAP. I started clearing up right after the remedy, and was 90% better within 12 hours.

Linda, I would say to you (and anyone who regularly experience a particular illness) to see a homeopath, and, if you get the time, learn various energetic techniques to heal oneself and others. I know some myself and they work.

Aja, while the mantras may not be as necessary for you as some others if you are regularly working out (after all, Shoto in his autobiography claimed that he could sweat any illness out of his body), if you do use them I would recommend changing your to "I will stay healthy" instead of "I will not get sick." The subconscious deletes the word "not." It's kinda like saying "Do not think about a big pink elephant!"
I never get flu shots, but pretty much never get the flu (haven't since I was a little kid). Ironically, I have just gotten over a small cold with sore throat (my most common sympton), slight chills, head occasional cough. It hit in fullness right on Christmas, and I'd been experiencing a case of the holiday blues. So I knew my mindest played a role in my lowered immunity, and saw a homoepath ASAP. I started clearing up right after the remedy, and was 90% better within 12 hours.

Linda, I would say to you (and anyone who regularly experience a particular illness) to see a homeopath, and, if you get the time, learn various energetic techniques to heal oneself and others. I know some myself and they work.

Aja, while the mantras may not be as necessary for you as some others if you are regularly working out (after all, Shoto in his autobiography claimed that he could sweat any illness out of his body), if you do use them I would recommend changing your to "I will stay healthy" instead of "I will not get sick." The subconscious deletes the word "not." It's kinda like saying "Do not think about a big pink elephant!"

Funny I just got the Master's autobiography for my birthday and was reading that very sentence last night! Yes I do believe that my training actually keeps me healthy and well - music too! I can't tell you how mnany times I've started out a gig feeling a little under the weather and by the end am feeling great! But in reality, music is karate too, eh?

I like your advice - it makes total sense- and will definitely keep it in mind for future mantras! :)
Just curious, as I've been learning about this lately - are you using NLP techniques for self-healing?
Just curious, as I've been learning about this lately - are you using NLP techniques for self-healing?

Actually what I use mainly is a technique called theta healing, and I also mix in a little bit of polarity work. Theta healing is a practice where you imagine yourself going up (or out, in, or just qualitatively transforming) to what you consider to be Divine space. In the theta classes you take they will actually say that you are connecting directly with Source (iow, God). While I have a hard time saying that I can actually comprehend something so infinite, I think the point is that you are connecting to whatever you perceive the Higher Power in the universe plus to be, and whether your imaginings coalesce with reality or not isn't so important as long as your putting your energy into the practice. This guided imagery puts you into what's called the theta brainwave state which is like right before you go to sleep, and for many (myself included) your eyes twitter as if REMing. Depending on your background you may have heard of this as either the hypnogogic state (scientific) or the ether (metaphysical). While a bit spacey in this state you are nonetheless conscious of what you are doing and experiencing, so there is no room to deny responsibility for anything you do while in it. From there you can command Source to perform healings, do readings (though I don't recommend future readings without the ability to empower anyone with them), do what are called body scans (intuitively viewing the body), change any belief or notions (especially if interfering with health), and much more. [Note: some people balk at the idea of "commanding God", however, command does not really mean demand as we commonly use it, but "I command" is rather equivalent to saying "Work with me" or "Hold my hand"] Then such is actually done by you "witnessing" the healing or whatever else taking place. This witnessing is done by intuitively entering the person's space and "seeing" ("hearing" and "feeling" are okay too) what is going on. Some "see" this literally, others symbolically. Obviously, if you are doing this on anyone else, get their permission first.
While this, to me, has been more effective on others, I do use it on myself, and this can be done preventatively as well as curatively. You can go in theta and say, cleanse and open your chakras and other such things. I find that I stay healthiest when regularly performing theta on others, rather than just giving myself tune-ups. Whereas, theta is taught as something that is done from a still posture, and distance to or from another doesn't matter, I have personally found others be most receptive (and therefore increasing its effectiveness) when I put my hands on or around them when performing theta healing, which is largely a polarity therapy technique I learned from a massage therapist (and my best friend, we took the theta course together). In short, I put my hands on either side of the afflicted area, or either side of the chakra pertaining to the "issue."
Additionally, I use muscle testing to see what the person's (or my own) actual "beliefs" are. This could be a good practice in finding a mantra to see if it resonates which your body. And if it doesn't but sounds like it would be a good anyone, theta work can be used to then change your "belief" so that the mantra is congruent with your psyche.
I hope this wasn't too long-winded, but conveyed the necessary info.
I find nuking my system with as many drugs as I can find usually works.

Although since being on anti depressants I have found I have been ill a lot less.
But that could just be my developing positive attitude towards life.

Now I just gotta get rid of my weight, at 20 stones (280 lbs) I'm a fat bastard.
I find nuking my system with as many drugs as I can find usually works.

Although since being on anti depressants I have found I have been ill a lot less.
But that could just be my developing positive attitude towards life.

Now I just gotta get rid of my weight, at 20 stones (280 lbs) I'm a fat bastard.

Hey Nancy, I'm glad you're feeling better!! I hear the bug going around is a nasty one with bad chest pain. I had it but it only lasted for less than a 24 hour period. I'm sorry you had to deal with it for longer. :-( Flu shot next year!!! :-)

Matt, that's some intensely interesting stuff you're telling us about. Wow. It's amazing when people are actually able to perform this kind of thing. It says a lot about your character and your mind. :)

Timewarrior, I believe mindset has a lot to do with some illness. I think you hit it on the head with the antidepressants and not being as ill often. I find when I let things stress me out too much (I tend to internalize my stress - bad idea) I tend to get minor illnessess more often too. I know where I'm going to work on within myself this coming year. :Saint:

Sorry to hear you got the bad bug Nancy - but maybe you got off lucky! Some people I know got it and were sick for a month!!!! :ill: Glad you're feeling better!

Well I certainly have a respect for the flu that I never had before and I take it very seriously now. Also, thank God for the inventors of antibiotics. That damn bug was very evil and would not die.