Focusrite Saffire Series Knowledgebase


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Since many of us are now moving over to Focusrite interfaces, particularly the Saffire series I thought it would be a great idea to put together a knowledgebase, and Q&A to help everyone who has questions getting their stuff set up.

Feel free to post any tutorials you have on the Saffire series of interfaces along with opinions and experiences.

Please limit this thread to helpful and useful information, please DO NOT discuss other interfaces or debate he quality of the Saffire series vs other interfaces.

(Lasse Please Sticky!)
Posts with helpful and technical information:
Question then: I'm on about getting a pro 56 and a digimax 8 for adat. Could I just re-amp sending the out put down adat to my digimax?

EDIT infact the digimax only has ADAT out. Awww well
Still ain't put me off!!

I could just send the main out my headphone mixer through an output, an solo that to and listen back like that
whell i just want to be sure that it will work fine couse lot of people says that they have problems with drivers and stuff like that i know that its good with awesome preamps but just want to be sure :)
I have NEVER had a problem with a Focusrite driver. The issue is people dont understand they need to use AISO drivers and think that the standard windows driver will work. They are just people who dont RTFM when they install the unit. You have to follow the directions EXACTLY how it states in the manual.
I have NEVER had a problem with a Focusrite driver. The issue is people dont understand they need to use AISO drivers and think that the standard windows driver will work. They are just people who dont RTFM when they install the unit. You have to follow the directions EXACTLY how it states in the manual.
haha yeah maybe that is the bigest problem with people not only with this think but with many others stuffs but thanks for the info just wanted to be sure in what im getting next and i will get this one :D cheers!
I'm loving my Pro40 so far. Next thing on the list looks to be the OctoPre MkII (Dynamic version). Also, I love being one of the people that does NOT have to use ASIO. Mac OS X FTW!

Nice thread guru.
Guru, I just recorded some DI's for zver, and I have a question. I had my guitar direct into the usb 6 but when I hit the instrument button the signal was was to hot and clipping even with the gain all the way down. Am I missing something? Do I need to push the 48v button as well?

Guru, I just recorded some DI's for zver, and I have a question. I had my guitar direct into the usb 6 but when I hit the instrument button the signal was was to hot and clipping even with the gain all the way down. Am I missing something? Do I need to push the 48v button as well?


The pad switch should help. If not then a di box would certainly do the trick.

edit: yeah, having the pad off I mean.