Focusrite Saffire Series Knowledgebase

I own a Saffire Pro 24. I need help on setting the master and the knob volume to a correct value. Don't know how te set it up ok. I'm using 24 bits and 44.1 Khz. Don't know how to set the last mix and master sliders too. Maybe someone can show me a pic of your setup in the mix panel.

Thank you.
Thats an interesting point about blue red and grey actually jason- i think on the 56 they only go blue or red. You've got me worrying that ive been starving my reamps of their last quarter of output since I have my monitor out at about 3pm :lol: (although i tend to just raise the output in the daw if im not getting enough juice)
Thats an interesting point about blue red and grey actually jason- i think on the 56 they only go blue or red. You've got me worrying that ive been starving my reamps of their last quarter of output since I have my monitor out at about 3pm :lol: (although i tend to just raise the output in the daw if im not getting enough juice)

Kev, there is a bleu, red AND grey on the 56.
I also have the 56.

Here is my settings from the 56 when i reamp.
Open the Mixcontrol>File>'open' and select the file.

my reamp-preset for the Liquid 56

I'm on Windows 7-64 and XP-32, but the drivers from Focusrite are great. Never had problems.
:lol: Thanks guys. Yeah, when I recorded them I just had the input with none of the switches on. I set the level about 3 or so db short of clipping and recorded them.
Kev, there is a bleu, red AND grey on the 56.
I also have the 56.

Here is my settings from the 56 when i reamp.
Open the Mixcontrol>File>'open' and select the file.

my reamp-preset for the Liquid 56

I'm on Windows 7-64 and XP-32, but the drivers from Focusrite are great. Never had problems.

Cheers man, saw the pic in your other thread as well. I just realised you have to shift + click to make it go grey! *doh!*
Good thread! I have been trying to figure out what i wanted to get to replace my FP10's....Thanks for all the info fellas. I going to be picking up a LS 56 and an Octopre :kickass:
I own the previous model saffire pro 10 (has a silver-bluish faceplate) Is there any difference between mine and the newer ones? Different pre's or better converters?
I have a saffire 6 usb.

It records too hot at every setting ( sending to service center).

Also the drivers do not work with my new win7 asus laptop.

So i have a paperweight.
hmm maybe i should stay away from the saffire 6 then. I'm upgrading my computer and looking for a good, inexpensive interface since I only need like 1 or 2 inputs for my home set up. It seems like it's very hit or miss and i dunno if i want a USB 1.1 when I'm getting a new comp that'll be capable of firewire.