
Jeez, I'm a sugar junkie, and used to get doughnuts every other day; but none of those look appealing at all. Well, I guess the giant glazed one would be "ok", but I was never into that particular type.
Troyanasy.. that video was funny! You are my new best friend. hehe :lol:

Food porn! I like some of her terms, hehe :lol:
AND if you go to youtube to view this video the comments are nothing about making sauce either.
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My lady in the photo cooks all the time, C meth from a fucking brass doll leg*


*No joke, a 1930's hollow doll leg.. I love her so|
Her breath always smells like burning styrofoam and wet sand that a dog shat in... Love for Dumpster Gal!!?
Aside from using canned tomatoes, she makes tomato sauce quite well...the ingredients and preparation are good and correct. I mean, I use canned tomatoes when I don't have fresh pomodoro, but they should really be used as a last resort and not the basis of your ragu or other pomodoro. It takes several hours to properly make sauce from scratch but it's worth it. Just make a whole shitload of it, bottle it, and save it. That way you can add whatever ingredients you want and then your fresh tomato sauce that you add to it is already there.

Every summer we usually make tons and tons of the stuff because her dad has a really big garden and we get them fresh, so we have a stockpile of it for all winter.
My drummer's lady came back from Portland a few weeks ago with a box of fresh Voodoo's in her carryon. She said the plane smelled like donuts.

Holy crap, they were amazing.

The Mexican chile donut delicious, the Butterfinger donut divine.
The coconut chocolate a bright shiny morning, and two apple fritters sublime.

Yes, donuts to inspire bad poetry. Portland!!