Foods from around the World, lets hear em!

damn theres some good food there!
dont know what else the english have to offer ;)
at least our foods better than icelands..
Poutine. Also known as the "Canadian Coronary."
Fries, Gravy, Cheese. Looks disgusting, tastes amazing. I make sure my American clients try it out & they all wind up addicted.

We used to get that in school, we simply referred to it as Chips,Cheese and Gravy (pronounced Grave-eh)

I tried out the "doner" in London when I was there last New Year's, gotta be honest man... does not even compare in the least, as I'm sure you found out having the real thing in Germany with a good pilsner!

The biggest letdown for me was the lack of hänchen (chicken) choice... just lamb or beef. :cry:

Theres chicken in the Kebab shops up north, we normally get a mix of Lamb, Beef (Shish) and Chicken…

they will also make Doner meat pizzas too, which is the epic "itis" food

I'm not surprised that noone has mentioned the everlasting awesomeness that is White Castle.
Raise your hand if you've never had a Slyder.

Heard of, and so want to raise my hand, but unfortunately not, theres a few things i tried in america and a few things i still need to try next time i'm over… wants IHOP/Taco Bell/more Code Red Mountain Dew
I'm surprised noone's mentioned surströmming yet....
most disgusting thing ever....
they just take herring and let it rot/ferment for a month....(either just in some plastic barrel with a bit of salty water, or they bury it somewhere)
then they but it in a can and let it ferment and mold even further until the lid and base of the tincan is round from all the gasses in there...

I would have named it if i considered it a food.. surströmming to me is like shit: Just because some people enjoy eating it, that does not make it food!!!

Oh god.. the swedish food-culture is just absolutely terrible... im ashamed! :D
Im glad that i can be 50% proud of the finnish food-culture instead! ;)
We've got lots of typical and traditional food over here, but I suppose this quite sums it up...

