For All My ProgPower Family


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
For those of you that met my Daughter Mary at PPVIII, and at other places.
My Better-half and I are proud to announce that today April 4th 2009 Mary became the wife of Joshua K Smith. We are so proud of both of them, and wish them all the happiness in the world.
Some of you know that Josh is in the Army and will be deploying for his 3rd tour in IRAQ on May 6th, please say a prayer for his and his comrades safe return.
And i say a special thank you to all that made Mary feel so welcome at PPVII especially my little Bro Patrick, Hoyt, J-Dubya, Ernie, Sean, Shane, Lance, Alicia, Todd W, Todd and Colleen, Metal, Coldie and Scott, Milton, Lara, Glenn and the FREAK KITCHEN guys, and KRUCIBLE, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
MAJOR CONGRATS to the new bride and groom and to both families....

My most humble and sincere gratitude to your new son in law for serving his country... May God watch over him and protect him while he serves..