For anyone not liking any of the bands

97reb said:
I made a cd for this dude at work the other day with these bands, in this order

Silent Force, Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Metalium, Star One, Sonata Arctica, Opeth, Opeth, Zero Hour, Evergrey, Iced Earth, Orange Goblin, Spirit Caravan, Trouble, The Obsessed, and Lord Weird Slough Feg.

He's never heard of any of them and claims to be a fan of Metal. I hope he likes even one of those bands. If he's lucky he'll like more and maybe get turned onto some other cool stuff.

I'd be very curious to see what this guy thinks after a listen or two. Let us know..
97reb said:
Yeah, it's a hell of a mix of groups, just a few I'm into.

That sounds like a good cd. :) He might be into metal, but not the type of metal you are in to. Sometimes listeners stick to mostly one type of music if they dont really take the initiative to research into other areas. Like I dont know very much about Black or Death Metal because I dont really listen to much of it. So naturally I wouldn't know a lot of bands from that part of the metal spectrum.
He gave it a listen and liked it, but not sure which bands as he was not able to look at the list at the same time. I told him if there were any particular groups he liked more to let me know, I'd make him some more cd's with those groups. He said some of them sounded like 80's metal. I'll have to let him figure out who those were to be more specific. He had heard of Iced Earth before. I put "Blessed Are You" from them on there. Something about that song just kicks my ass.
97reb said:
I made a cd for this dude at work the other day with these bands, in this order

Silent Force, Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Metalium, Star One, Sonata Arctica, Opeth, Opeth, Zero Hour, Evergrey, Iced Earth, Orange Goblin, Spirit Caravan, Trouble, The Obsessed, and Lord Weird Slough Feg.

He's never heard of any of them and claims to be a fan of Metal.

Until just a couple of years ago, I hadn't even heard _of_ most of those bands, and the only one I'd ever heard was Iced Earth, and I've been listening to metal for fifteen years. The presence of some of these forums, where everyone seems to have heard everything, I think, gives the impression that literally everyone has heard everything, and that's not necessarily the case. If it weren't for ProgPower and the folks I know from the Queensryche newsgroup, I still probably wouldn't know a lot of bands I love now.

Cut the guy some slack, and be happy that you get to offer up some enlightenment. ;)

I think he is more into Slipknot and he plans on seeing the Summer Sanitarium crap tour, I'm not down on him, just don't like the music he is into, the commercilized crap that gets the attention from idiots. I am trying to enlighten him.