For anyone who has DC++:


Houses Ov Mercury
Jan 20, 2004
Dracut, MA
We want more people for the hub.

Add to your Favorites list and visit us. I have no idea why. I'm just very bored, waiting for it to pour out (since I'm in MA and we're supposed to be demolished by twin hurricanes moving up the East Coast today), and dreading work.
Demiurge said:
i hate moderating a DC hub. every time i'm in mine, i need to ban at least a third of the users.

That's because you have to. Get rid of those users with a generic metal share, rather than kick users whom were misbehaving. You could let me mod. bwahaha... I found at least 5 people with a crappy share, last time.
Yeah, sometimes, if you can't connect, it is due to the fact that we're down. Normally, this is because I am being made to shut the computer off. I do this overnight and stuff. Just keep your DC++ open and check the 'auto-connect' box next to the hub's name. You should automatically enter when we get up again. Cheers.