For anyone who has DC++:

Transilvanian Scotsman said:
That's because you have to. Get rid of those users with a generic metal share, rather than kick users whom were misbehaving. You could let me mod. bwahaha... I found at least 5 people with a crappy share, last time.

Whats 'generic metal share'?.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Metal that everybody has. Stuff like Opeth, Dream Theater, Symphony X, and Iced Earth, etc.

Furthermore, its a neoclassical hub. So if you have metal that is not directly neoclassical inspired then it would most likely be considered generic metal. You might be redeemed, if you have other neoclassical/classicals works. Folk music included too.

It's fair since the generic metal is less likely to be in line with their believes/ideologies: mainly promoting Indo-European culture. It's not something for everyone, but if you are then it's a great place to share.

Some guy had a purely rap/hip hop share, pissed off no mods were there to kick him out. No idea what he would want from our hub.
Yes, but I share shitloads of non neo-classical music (some of it, I suppose, generic metal) along with neo-classical stuff, should I be kicked?
DE said:
Yes, but I share shitloads of non neo-classical music (some of it, I suppose, generic metal) along with neo-classical stuff, should I be kicked?

Perhaps not. Depends if the mods deem that you have enough neoclassical to balance the non. That's what Demiurge (and others) have to decide while modding.