FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let´s set the things straight.
The reunion is happening and Bush is leaving. It´s up to us, the fans, how we will deal with it.
For me personally it will be very difficult.

Sex kicks ass, I haven´t had my jimmy vaxed for eleven days and my balls are getting fucking blue! :hotjump:
I'll still not believe anything until its made official. If Bush does leave, I agree it will be hard to take, and as much as I'd love to see a one-off reunion for Thrax's 25th anniversay (a ONE-OFF mind you), if it was to be to the detriment of the band, I'd hate to see it go ahead.
Ulster Mosher said:
Can we just stop all this rumour bullshit about breakups and reunions until we have an official statement from the band? Please, its getting boring.

well said, maybe you should post this in every thread
