For Funerals to Come


Expired candle
Jan 19, 2002
New Hampshire
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This is a very simple but fun tune to play... my timing is a bit off in places because I suck at playing without drums behind me keeping time. Plus the echo is a little deceiving sometimes. I only found one other on Youtube... if he is really playing than he did a phenomenal job, but it is hard to tell with such a perfect mix.
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Ok, so the other one was annoying me because the more I listened to it, the less happy I was with it. So here it is again without the original playing behind it. If anyone wants the tab, let me know.

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my grandfather is from Ireland....DOES THAT COUNT!!>!>!>!>!?!?!?!?

i drink too much

Nope. It actually annoys most Irish people when an American or Australian person calls themselves Irish when it was their Grandparents, or even ancestors further back, that were Irish.

That should bring you right to the tab. I tabbed it a couple of years ago, and for a while metaltabs removed their tabs until they got bands' permission to have them posted.... I was still able to see it since I tabbed it.... but I honestly don't know if anyone else can at this point. If not, let me know and I'll print it and scan it, etc.