for guitarists, what guitar(s) do you have?


Apr 13, 2010
pretty clear,

what kind of guitar(s) do you have? or what kind of guitar would you really like to have?

i have a Jim Harley telecaster ( my beginners guitar... haven't touched it for months)
an Epiphone Les Paul std
and , my favourite, my jackson warrior :worship:
o, and some kind of acoustic one, don't know the brand, first it was the guitar of a friend of mine and she gave it to me for my birthday :)

and i would kill someone to get the ESP alexi laiho signature or the James Hetfield ''Iron Cross'' one
This is kinda like the gear thread that already exists but oh well

Do basses count? If so I've got a Washburn XB125 and a Westone Thunder Jet. I'm happy with them, but my ideal bass would probably be a custom 5 string ESP EX-104 pimped out with Musicman and Precision pickups.
I have a guitar and I plug it into my amp and play.... Oh sorry what's that about gear? Couldn't give a toss.


Sounds good... And that's all I need.
I've got an Epiphone Les Paul (the cheap one) and an Epiphone SG (the mid-range one? G310 I think...) Both of which get.... light use. :lol: :erk:
Squier stratocaster, main guitar
Schecter Blackjack C-7, seven string monster
Fender Jaguar bassguitar, main bass
Stagg cheap shit bassguitar

also have three acoustics lying around, and another bass.
I have an epiphone/gibson explorer, its an odd one because the body and all the wood is epiphone but it was made and assembled in the gibson factory with all gibson hardware. was my first guitar and everyone one touches it falls in love with the thing. has come to life even more now it has bare knuckle miracle mans in it.

I also have a jackson DK2M with bare knuckles.
A Dean VMNT1
A Takamine G-Series electro acoustic
PRS Santana

I got my eyes set to custom shop RR24 for the future I think, its gonna be teh sex!

I would also kill for a kv2, an esp eclipse or a proper nice gibby les paul
I've got a GROOVE bass (it's pretty good and it was shitcheap from ebay... plz stfu) and a smith flying-v (read last set of brackets :lol: ), my amp is also from ebay, as is my digitech death metal pedal and the warlock I have coming in the mail. STFU.
Ive had quite alot of Guitars, all of which are pretty unremarkable... Im left Handed by the way so its a total cunt for me to get good cheap gear...

Notable one would be, Tokai ex-55 which i sold...

I now use a Vintage Metal Axxe Razer


I also have a Hohner st ferari pro or some bollocks its called... sanded it down sprayed it matte black, added a bit of checkerplate and replaced the cockass bridge with a fixed one! im left handed and find playing anything but fixed bridges very awkward for various reasons.

i dont have pictures sorry, ill have to take some if anyone cares! :)

And i also have a Schecter a-7 Diamond series SEVUN STRANG.





Tis nice :) also... just a question but who loves my bedsheets ;)
Ibanez V70 acoustic
Ibanez RG Prestige 2620
Ibanez RG Prestige 1570
LTD H-207 7-string

Have also owned:


JS30 Dinky

Eagle Flying V (pink!)

Ibanez Les Paul
Peavey Patriot, and a Stadium wc700....i want a moser custom like Ol' Drake!!!