What Guitar do you have?

Imagine playing a gig with this guitar:

i have 2 pretty shitty guitars. esp mh-301, and a jackson kelly. but anyways. to everyone who wants a guitar thats just like alexi's. i can understand where you are coming from because i used to be like that. but i mean common think about what you would be doing. dropping anywhere from $2000 - $4000 USD for a guitar that still isnt the exact same. if you were to spend that kind of money why not talk to jackson or ESP and get your own custom guitar. that way its built for your style and specs. not buying a guitar that is for alexi's style and specs. im not saying dont buy it if you really do want it, just think about it.
Yeah, i agree completely, for like 3 months i was so sstraight set on building an Alexi model, cause a friend of mine did, and it played very well. And i had just watched the tuska video, and i was like, " Damn, that guitar looks so good. I bet it plays so nicely" So i started to plan out building one, and then i throught, do i want to be remembered as an alexi follower with the same guitar and that worshipped alexi?, No. I should set my own path, and find a guitar that suits me perfectly to my own standards. And Im starting to get into jazz alot more, so ive been looking into buying a PRS, 24 frets, non-locking trem (haha, sort of) AMAZING tone and versatility, great action, and ive heard some crazy shredding on it, ie. Michael Akerfeldt. I dunno, i hope one day ill be able to own one of those, probably when im in college and want to play with a floyd ill build my own, like Bob's. I was planning on building Roopes version, except without the iommi crosses, Black satin with white pins, and 2 buckers, althuoght its impossible to find a RR body that can take 24 frets with 2 hums. It sucks, IMO, Jackson is fucking dumb as shit for not putting one out yet.

Anyways, i know having that ESP RR would be fucking awesome, and you would show off to your friends, and you would always bring it to shows that you play, and people would recognize you as the person with ALEXI's Guitar, not yours.... Food for thought.
The Leper said:
Anyways, i know having that ESP RR would be fucking awesome, and you would show off to your friends, and you would always bring it to shows that you play, and people would recognize you as the person with ALEXI's Guitar, not yours.... Food for thought.

You sure havent thought this through enough, you even called it a ESP RR. Its a ESP SV lol. DO you know why you called it a RR? DO you know that even though its alexis custom guitar that he copied it from somebody? even the paintjob is copied? so if you know where im going then it doestn matter if i buy a guitar that looks like alexi's because you sure dont talk about alexi as the guy that plays with Rhandy's guitar do you? If Alexi did it to somebody then i can do it to alexi! nothing rong about it now is there.
Yes, randy RHoads, im too fucking lazy to go looking for the model name of the actual ESP. Jesus christ. ESP stole the design, er alexi stole the design, from the jackson RR models. Alright fan boy, get off my ass, sorry i didnt study Alexi's guitar model 101. Jesus christ, get some original taste. My post was talknig about how people try to act like alexi, why would i care about alexi copying off of rhoads, im not gonna try to stop him, im saying, thats his image that he created, good for him. hes gonna be remembered for the guy that had that RR rip off guitar that ESP made him. get the fuck off my back.

P.S. Who the fuck is Rhandy, moron, do you even play guitar? why the fuck are you in this thread, and why the hella are you harassing me for helping people decide which guitar to get. I didnt quite see you start a war with Deathxunlimited. Thanks.
i also really dig roope's sig model although i would never even think about buying one. everything on it is sick except for the headstock im not really into curvy headstocks too much
The Leper said:
Yes, randy RHoads, im too fucking lazy to go looking for the model name of the actual ESP. Jesus christ. ESP stole the design, er alexi stole the design, from the jackson RR models. Alright fan boy, get off my ass, sorry i didnt study Alexi's guitar model 101. Jesus christ, get some original taste. My post was talknig about how people try to act like alexi, why would i care about alexi copying off of rhoads, im not gonna try to stop him, im saying, thats his image that he created, good for him. hes gonna be remembered for the guy that had that RR rip off guitar that ESP made him. get the fuck off my back.

P.S. Who the fuck is Rhandy, moron, do you even play guitar? why the fuck are you in this thread, and why the hella are you harassing me for helping people decide which guitar to get. I didnt quite see you start a war with Deathxunlimited. Thanks.

thx for the essay POES
Try not smoking/drinking/buying drugs... :lol:

Honestly, i don't do any of those and compared to my friends i have a lot more disposable cash :D