? for Pro Tools LE users on a PC (or just computer smart people)


May 23, 2005
St Louis
I have a chance to get a computer for a reduced price. Mine sucks and I need something worthy of running LE loaded with plugins. I have engineered for awhile, but have never been too knowledgeable on computer tech things. Just did stuff on other people's setups. So a PC with these specs.......

AMD Athlon XP 2800+
1GB DDR 333 RAM (will be bumped to 2 or 3GB)
Asus A7N8X Deluxe motherboard

powerful/decent enough?
Decent enough...yes...but it's still a PC. :lol:

I won't say anything else, I'm sure you know what I'm hinting at.

Yea i know. Everyone is anti PC....though I've had issues with both.

I don't have the cheese for a mac and I am in desparate need of a computer because my current one is pretty much fucked.
man: i could say 1 thing , that is, pc v/s mac thing will never ends... know there is a new mac compatible with windows system, yeap....

but any way, i use pro tools LE ( at univercity) on mac
and cubase on a pc ( at my home )

if i have to spend some cash for pro tools i will do it in a mac first
just if i have the money but , we dont have the money for a mac so

go for a pro tools LE running on a pc :) fuck yeah :P
That should be good enough man, my setup of 2x2ghz opterons and 2gb of ram, runs PT LE without a problem. And i knew 006 was gonna suggest a mac, always happens :P
He asked for opinions, I gave mine. I said it was decent, but I would suggest a Mac no matter what...I'm not trying to start anything. Honest.
