For producer of Before Their Eyes (Sturgis)

hey joey, i have seen that you usually record pod tone in your recordings with pod xt pro + diamondplate.
but, in before their eyes, it sounds a bit different. is that pod xt pro too?
or another amp and cab?
please, what settings did you use in that record?
quiet man.:rofl:DDDDDD
i don´t want pod settings.:lol:
i´d like to know if before their eyes was recorded with real amp.:rofl:.because in this record guitars sound different and i have similar band and i need a good amp.;)
theres a thread about bte. just browse through joeys posts.
rectifier di-ed with impulses added itb.
theres a thread about bte. just browse through joeys posts.
rectifier di-ed with impulses added itb.

thanks a lot for information man.
somebody knows url thread (before their eyes)? i am searching in joey posts but i didn´t found it...

I end up doing something similar, but with a DI and a miced cab. One thing I find annoying about Nuendo / Cubase is not being able to group tracks for editing like PT. I think they kinda tried to solve that with folder tracks, but those just suck.

just highlight the tracks you wanna group and hit command+g (or rightclick ->"group tracks")
it's EXACTLY the same as in PT, I'm doing it all the time
^ Yeah that's what I was thinking.

I hate Cubendo as much as the next guy, but I don't think it has any real issues with grouping.

Great thread, btw. I've definitely picked up on a few different workflow things, which is always great.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding how the PT grouping works, or using the wrong term. What I'm looking for is an easy way to edit two or more tracks that are of the same source, like a guitar DI and amp, or a kick mic and trigger.

Say you have a section of guitars with two tracks, a DI and a mic. You group those events and make 2 splits so now there are 6 events total. Now I want to shorten the last section by grabbing the right side handle and pulling it back. Instead of just making the last section smaller for both the DI and the amp, all of the events are treated equally and are now shorter. This function in Nuendo is completely unusable for editing multitrack sources.

I guess what I really want is not event grouping, but track edit grouping or cloning or some shit. Any edits I make on one track would be cloned exactly to another track, not a group of events. I thought PT offered something like this, no?

Don't get me wrong, I still love Nuendo. As I mentioned before this can kind of be accomplished with folder tracks, but I find them hard to work with and not all editing functions work on them, like quantize for example.
If you highlight 2 or more events/tracks in Cubase/Nuendo and apply a split, they will all split at the same place, same for fades, resizing etc.

you don't need to group them, just highlight them.

Is this what you are trying to do Dave?
He's already on top of all that. The issue is that when you apply an edit to a set of grouped regions in Nuendo, they all have it applied. So you might end up top-and-tailing a lead guitar track at the start of the song that you're not even looking at, much less trying to work with. PT gets past this issue by grouping TRACKS not REGIONS. In essence it's better (big surprise), but Cubase is still workable in that regard... just takes longer (big surprise again).
He's already on top of all that. The issue is that when you apply an edit to a set of grouped regions in Nuendo, they all have it applied. So you might end up top-and-tailing a lead guitar track at the start of the song ....


highlight both tracks, often as you grab one of the grouped tracks (let's say the last snippet) and you won't alter the first snippets. it only has the parallel chunks grouped, not the previous and later ones
it's exactly the same as in PT....
if I knew how to capture a screen vid I'd just show you.

I don't wanna say it's better or anything, I'm just saying it's EXACTLY the same as in PT.
Joey does great work
it inspires me to wanna keep recording and get better everyday
If i was to ask a question tho it would be
How do you convince all these bands to use the POD, if i came in with a trip rect, and you went we dont need that i would be like what the hell?? LOL I own the XT pro and it is awesome, get the right tone and your set for every recording session

highlight both tracks, often as you grab one of the grouped tracks (let's say the last snippet) and you won't alter the first snippets. it only has the parallel chunks grouped, not the previous and later ones
it's exactly the same as in PT....
if I knew how to capture a screen vid I'd just show you.

I don't wanna say it's better or anything, I'm just saying it's EXACTLY the same as in PT.

Hey wow, if you're working with only 2 tracks right on top of each other it does actually work pretty well. Guess I never tried that. :)

Still mostly useless for my work flow though. When you select a bunch of events it start getting screwy. Splicing in some places will cause other sections to become ungrouped and seams like only the sections that are cut after the grouping allow for editing the parallel sections independently.

Does anyone have a workaround for what I was talking about before? Simply mirroring all edits on one track to others in a parallel fashion? Does Pro tools do this with some other grouping function?

notice there's a (IMO very smart) difference in how/where you grab to edit.

2 tracks (same with more) cut in the middle, then crossfaded again.
now you've got this little crossfade in the middle...zoom in....
if you grab the lower right hand corner and move it you'll move it only on the specific track (unless you click on the editgroup and/or highlighted it in another way previously).
But if you drag the lower LEFT corner you'll move the edits/crossfades across the entire group.
Similar and VERY usefull thing.....all your tracks sliced and crossfaded (after drumquantisation for example)...if you grab the corners of the crossfade you'll be able to move ALL the crossfades at once (low-left..dragged to the left, low-right also dragged to the left= all crossfades fürther left)...if you click INTO the fade and move it you'll only move that particular fade (but for the entire group (vertical group).

that stuff is actually one thing that makes drumediting in Cubase more accurate than in PT without multitrack BD...because after all the editing is done I can simply highlight all the tracks and move ALL the crossfades a cunthair to the left (BD does that automatically I think)....reduces the risk of fucked up transients.

but to your initial question...(if I got that right)...if you have one long file (grouped tracks) and cut in the middle the first half will be an edit group and the second half will be a seperate editgroup. (very useful).
if you want all changes you do to the second group to apply to the first group as well w/o having to highlight it first simply make a new group...highlight both groups and hit command-g again.

I hope this wasn't worded too confusingly....because it's actually really important and usefull for multitrack editing in cubendo

Simply mirroring all edits on one track to others in a parallel fashion? Does Pro tools do this with some other grouping function?
I guess I don't really understand you...cubase DOES it exactly like it possible that you changed something in your prefs?
that is one of the few things that are just EXACTLY the same in PT and cubendo
sorry to go off topic even more on Joey's productions, but I want to do like Ermin said. Grouping, not the regions, but 2 tracks. PLUS I don't want to highlight them everytime and I don't want to select both and click grouping.

Let's say, I am tracking both DI and an amp, the 2 tracks are linked (the faders, mute, records buttons, ...), and I also want to edit them in mirroir after every take without grouping the regions or hightling the 2 regions. It looks like I have no other solution than highlighting both regions everytime ? Or is there any option ?