for the eurofags: croatia?


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
me and my girlfriend are considering vacationing a little bit in croatia. anyone been there? what's the deal?

it's a beaut from what I hear. I also hear it's a place you better off going as a single fella.
the public trans sucks man, but Dubrovnik is supposed to be the greatest thing in Eastern Europe..was going to go on my trip but the trains suck there
yeah probably dubrovnik

i have the worst cockroach phobia, am i likely to see roaches? because i do not go to places that have them. i am serious. this is the #1 concern when choosing where to travel for me

i have two irrational phobias, one is roaches and the other is having flour on my hands (i'd make a lousy baker)
haha I didn't see any in Macedonia, Serbia or Greece and I doubt Croatia is worse than Macedonia so you're probably good man
roaches... I would eat them I would

^ have you seriously been consuming these because if so i am SERIOUSLY not your friend anymore

haha I didn't see any in Macedonia, Serbia or Greece and I doubt Croatia is worse than Macedonia so you're probably good man
THANKS, this is good info. how about italy?! is italy relatively roach safe?
roaches ... haha ... you would FLEE from NYC
i would never go there to begin with bro

I hope he is, at least, referring to them humongous crunchy mofos. I hear they are quite tasty.
i'm referring to all sizes and kinds but the scariness is directly proportional to the size. we allegedly have them in sweden as well now (FUCKING immigrants) but they are like 1-2 cm and mostly in the south. never seen one here
immigrants lol i would probably put the blame on people going to and back from for example - croatia

having said that, i'd go there for sure! i hear the food sucks though
Erik, if you're afraid of roaches, you'd shit your pants if an uninvited Potato Bug ever reared it's head in your direction. These fuckers are foul beyond belief! I was pretty phobic of them as a kid, but got over it after my last encounter, when I slaughtered the little fuck with a knife.
