Amon Amarth in Croatia ?

let us not forget that its the carolingians (french) who stopped the islamic invasion coming from spain... Charles Martel is the hero of this. ^^ in 732 i think.. i'm not sure.

and yeah i heard that in 2050, there will be more interracially breeded people than whites in america... thats probably gonna be the same in western europe.
for what thrymfal said, this is why i'm against every form of interracial breeding (although we cant do much about it, and even i personnally like north asian types...), every culture and race is part of humanity's world patrimony (i dont know how we say it in english "patrimoine de l'humanité"... Belgar? :p).. the thought that all humans will look alike is so depressing, many cultures will be lost, this is a huge disgrace.
Belgar said:
Btw, yeah the french stopped the muslim invasions but now they have the biggest muslim population in Europe with around 10 million of them ... call that irony? QUOTE]

Haha yes you can call that a huge fucking irony.

Another is that Sweden used to be the great power of scandinavia and quite warlike, now it's the most open to foreigners and most socialistic etc. I'm moving to Denmark, the're much smarter than the swedes.
Belgar said:
@ Celtik = it is called "world heritage"

Btw, yeah the french stopped the muslim invasions but now they have the biggest muslim population in Europe with around 10 million of them ... call that irony? or a prelude to a repeat of history?

yeah dont remind me :p
i hope its a prelude to a repeat of history.
awesome. i cant wait. Its goin to be just like the world of warcraft. we will not only breed with humans, i beleive animals will evolve and we can breed with them too! maybe then the slaughter of innocent animals will become illegal.
i dont expect any american (whatever origins he or she may be) to understand this.
in europe we arent a melting pot, we have an actual people with one culture (for each country), and this should stay as so in my opinion (an opinion which is totally respectable by the way).
the media glorifies american indians who stay true to their culture and people, the same goes for arab immigrants in europe for example. they are encouraged to embrace their arab origins and culture, and it is seen as something respectable that they stay true to their origins. whereas a european is denied his own identity by these same europeans who encourage immigrants to embrace theirs. this is the hypocrisy in all of it.
Celtik Militia said:
i dont expect any american (whatever origins he or she may be) to understand this.
in europe we arent a melting pot, we have an actual people with one culture (for each country), and this should stay as so in my opinion (an opinion which is totally respectable by the way).
the media glorifies american indians who stay true to their culture and people, the same goes for arab immigrants in europe for example. they are encouraged to embrace their arab origins and culture, and it is seen as something respectable that they stay true to their origins. whereas a european is denied his own identity by these same europeans who encourage immigrants to embrace theirs. this is the hypocrisy in all of it.

i understood you the first thousand times you said it, i was just taking the piss (as always). and by american injuns you mean native amercians; by which you mean aboriginals, by which you mean they were here first. How are the indians comparative to arabs? We have a lots of drug dealing, dirty, fat, greasy, hairy latinos anyhow. I can definetly understans that one.
My good friend from the USA wants move to Europe ASAP cause he had realy enough. You see the difference just if once you move out there.
But I dont know too many ppl from the States.
sorry feraliminal then.... american indians was a bad example then.
lol you always gotta bitch about every fucking detail haha
kiss 2 U
Celtik Militia said:
sorry feraliminal then.... american indians was a bad example then.
lol you always gotta bitch about every fucking detail haha
kiss 2 U

sorry! ive been trying to live out philosophy of stoicism lately, but i think i vent out on forums a lot. guess its not going so well :p.
Celtik Militia said:
let us not forget that its the carolingians (french) who stopped the islamic invasion coming from spain... Charles Martel is the hero of this. ^^ in 732 i think.. i'm not sure.

And who halted the Turk invasion in the east, saved Austria and Hungary? Well Croatia did it :D we were the "antemuralis christianitatis" or so the pope called us

and to answer the topis question...
Before a few weeks Enslaved, Vreid and Moonspell came to Zagreb, Amon Amarth, Soulfly and co. are going to come to Zadar this summer, and Therion will come in the 11th month to Zagreb, Iron Maiden will probably come etc.
Belgar said:
Can Croatia do something about Turk invasion today? and save the rest of Europe ... my old Europe is doomed never to be the same ...

well we could if the goddamned NATO didn`t take away our exploding gerbils...

bastards said something about animal abuse... or something like that

well anyway the Turk invasion ended succesfully in the end, as there are more turk kids born in Germany (and some other countryes) than german kids.. pretty fucked up....
Vlad Tepes stopped the Turks too. he was romanian right? or hungarian? i dont know what country owned transilvania at the time.

anyway yeah the situtation is so fucked up. and when a proud country like serbia wants to regain its purity, all other countries unite with the poor pooooor muslims.
fuck how i long for a civil war in western europe lol. i think thats the only way.
Celtik Militia said:
Vlad Tepes stopped the Turks too. he was romanian right? or hungarian? i dont know what country owned transilvania at the time.

anyway yeah the situtation is so fucked up. and when a proud country like serbia wants to regain its purity, all other countries unite with the poor pooooor muslims.
fuck how i long for a civil war in western europe lol. i think thats the only way.

ummmm... Vlad Tepes was killed by the Turks.... Transilvania was conquered...
and if you really think that about Serbia you have no fucking idea what happened here....
In the Homeland (Domovinskom 1991.-1995.) war the Serbs were using a tactic called ethnic clensing... the chetniks (a nationalist extremist group) backed up by the JNA (Jugoslavian National Army) eradicated dozens of non Serb vilages (Croatian, moslim...) in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, even though the Serbs lost the war against the Croatia the ethnic clensing killed more people than WWII. in these parts....
in the camp of death (koncentracioni logor) Jasenovac 20 000. people were killed... while eaven now we find mass gravesites where chetnicks burried the people they killed. over 40 000 people is missing eaven now...

and the whole fucking Europe wonders why there are still nationalists (Ustaša) in Croatia (and quite a large number of skinheads)

as long as there are Croats and Serbs there will be hatered between them...

but lets end it here this is seriously off topic....

yeah i know the serbs commited mass murders and not only to muslims.
but i find it astonishing that the whole world and the US unite against the serbs and they do nothing about Israel. makes me wonder...
Paranoic said:
ummmm... Vlad Tepes was killed by the Turks.... Transilvania was conquered...
and if you really think that about Serbia you have no fucking idea what happened here....
In the Homeland (Domovinskom 1991.-1995.) war the Serbs were using a tactic called ethnic clensing... the chetniks (a nationalist extremist group) backed up by the JNA (Jugoslavian National Army) eradicated dozens of non Serb vilages (Croatian, moslim...) in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, even though the Serbs lost the war against the Croatia the ethnic clensing killed more people than WWII. in these parts....
in the camp of death (koncentracioni logor) Jasenovac 20 000. people were killed... while eaven now we find mass gravesites where chetnicks burried the people they killed. over 40 000 people is missing eaven now...

and the whole fucking Europe wonders why there are still nationalists (Ustaša) in Croatia (and quite a large number of skinheads)

as long as there are Croats and Serbs there will be hatered between them...

but lets end it here this is seriously off topic....


What are all these numbers about people killing more people than Hitler or Stalin or WWII. Pol Pot killed like a 2 mil and I doubt that the war in the Balkans killed more people than WWII. Like 20 mil Russians died there alone...