Amon Amarth in Croatia ?

What I like about americans and mostly the ubber simpleton ones is when you argue with them. Most of the time their only educated guess is dixit Joe Redneck " well hmmm Bubba .. tell 'em that if it wan't f'r us, you'd yall be speakin' german ...." probably some stuff they learned in saving private ryan. There are stupid people in europe just like there are many in the US. The problem in the US is that many people don't travel out of their state and think that there is no life beyond what they see on fox news and their local "granny lost her cat" 5pm news. Btw, I did 2 essays for my gf on history of slavery in america and on the middle colonies and scored 288/300 for her. Also did 2 essays on american industrial revolution last semester for her and had 290/300. I think my knowledge of the US is a little better than even most americans would know about their own country and even less about Europe. I am not trying to glorify myself, but these things are subjects we studied back in school in Europe. The root of ignorance starts with the ignorance of your own culture/roots and the latter are lacked by many americans. Somehow many of the regular americans who post here seem to be very intelligent and cultured and that is a nice thing to see. I have been here in the US for 7 years and never had comments being made about me being the stupid foreigner.
This forum isn't just about the band, if politics/history,... are involved well .. let's just discuss and see.
Belgar said:
What I like about americans and mostly the ubber simpleton ones is when you argue with them. Most of the time their only educated guess is dixit Joe Redneck " well hmmm Bubba .. tell 'em that if it wan't f'r us, you'd yall be speakin' german ...." probably some stuff they learned in saving private ryan. There are stupid people in europe just like there are many in the US. The problem in the US is that many people don't travel out of their state and think that there is no life beyond what they see on fox news and their local "granny lost her cat" 5pm news. Btw, I did 2 essays for my gf on history of slavery in america and on the middle colonies and scored 288/300 for her. Also did 2 essays on american industrial revolution last semester for her and had 290/300. I think my knowledge of the US is a little better than even most americans would know about their own country and even less about Europe. I am not trying to glorify myself, but these things are subjects we studied back in school in Europe. The root of ignorance starts with yr own culture and the latter is lacked by many americans. Somehow many of the regular americans who post here seem to be very intelligent and cultured and that is a nice thing to see.
This forum isn't just about the band, if politics/history,... are involved well .. let's just discuss and see.

lol yeah i hate it when an american dude tells me that if it wasnt for them i'd be speaking german now... i even believe thats what the politicians said to france when they were talking about war in iraq.
little do they know that nazi germany had no plans in germanising the countries they defeated apart from those they annexed to the Reich (austria, tcheque republic, poland, baltics, part of russia..)... people saying that we'd be speaking german in other countries is so irritating.
In 1814 we took a little trip
along with colonel jackson and the mighty missisip
took a little bacon and took a lil' beans
fought the bloody british in the town on new orleans

we fired r guns and the british kep a comin'
wuddin' as many as was about befor
we fired r guns an the british kep a comin
down the mississippi to the guf o' mexico

johnny cash rules, tell em thelastwithpaganblood :)
Celtik Militia said:
lol yeah i hate it when an american dude tells me that if it wasnt for them i'd be speaking german now... i even believe thats what the politicians said to france when they were talking about war in iraq.
little do they know that nazi germany had no plans in germanising the countries they defeated apart from those they annexed to the Reich (austria, tcheque republic, poland, baltics, part of russia..)... people saying that we'd be speaking german in other countries is so irritating.

there are six steps to french history

1. france thinks they're better than everyone
2. some country declares war on france
3. french panic
4. france get other countries to help them and win
5. france builds everyone a statue
6. repeat step 1

im expecting a viscious scolding pretty soon ;) :) :wave:
Americans hate the french
French the only ones to befriend american-indians ...
French help americans beat the british & get independence
Wish Napoleon had never sold Louisianna to the british ...
Americans forget french helped them get independence
Americans think if it wasn't for them; french would speak german (wrong all the way)
repeat at aeternum ...

British forget the amount of times they got their asses handed to them by the french and only want to remember of Waterloo(and maybe Trafalgar) ... (fuck the british I still don't like them to this day).

so what's yr point? I am not french, but the whole "we hate the french" gimmick in the US is so fucking old and makes no sense and is the typical example of the non-educated american moron.. Americans only seem to live with the past. As far as I know, France had many greater generals than the US army actually does and almost never had to get their ass beat by a bunch of communists hidding in rice paddies and towel heads hidding in the desert or in caves ... at least they were smart enough to pull out and not dig their country in endless years of worthless wars. Maybe Algerian - Indochina wars.
French still had the 100 years war, where most of England ended under France rules ... again .. fuck the british.

Your statement was as dumb as half the nimrods saying the french smell .. well guess what, I have seen many more or yr US living trailer trash smelling a lot worse than any Paris subway toilet ....

Btw, Feraliminal ... I suggest you get your french history facts elsewhere than fox news, O'Reilly and co., (or any other earsay) jewish media will pollute yr brain.
I really was expecting a better reply from someone like you ...

I am sure Celtik will join me in clenching his fist for mother Europe .... ahahahah. Heil.
aaah thanks Belgar :p, btw awsome band you were listening too ;)

Feraliminal : how many times have we had dicussions about our respective countries? haha.. this is such a recurrent subject, and i've had enough of defending my country all the time in every forum i encounter just cause there are too many americans on the forum and there are always a few of them with a straight anti-french mind which was given to them by the media.

Feraliminal wrote :

"there are six steps to french history"
if there are only 6 steps of history for one of the oldest countries in europe i wonder how many steps there are for one of the youngest countries in the world? that is the US if you didnt get the point.

"1. france thinks they're better than everyone"
thats a stupid remark, very much used by those who dont know jack shit, AND i believe this following sentence in more comon : US thinks they're better than

"2. some country declares war on france"
yeah ok, shit happens

"3. french panic"
hmmmm if this is just for WW2 i could accept it, but its not true anyway, of course the population panicked for they were bombarded by the luftwaffe, but some great people like the Marechal Petain faced the enemy and defeat bravely, without fleeing to england. and the brave french soldiers who sacrificed their lives so that the british could escape back to england from the Dunkerk port is something that i tend to think about more.

"4. france get other countries to help them and win"
well in the napoleonic era i do believe france didnt have many worthwhile allies, so this is stupid.

"5. france builds everyone a statue"

"6. repeat step 1"

cause this seems like a joke or just being provocative, i wont elaborate
Celtik Militia said:
"there are six steps to french history"
if there are only 6 steps of history for one of the oldest countries in europe i wonder how many steps there are for one of the youngest countries in the world? that is the US if you didnt get the point.

ahah this had to be the best reply ever ...

I couldn't have said it better ...
Celtik Militia said:
aaah thanks Belgar :p, btw awsome band you were listening too ;)

Feraliminal : how many times have we had dicussions about our respective countries? haha.. this is such a recurrent subject, and i've had enough of defending my country all the time in every forum i encounter just cause there are too many americans on the forum and there are always a few of them with a straight anti-french mind which was given to them by the media.

Feraliminal wrote :

"there are six steps to french history"
if there are only 6 steps of history for one of the oldest countries in europe i wonder how many steps there are for one of the youngest countries in the world? that is the US if you didnt get the point.

"1. france thinks they're better than everyone"
thats a stupid remark, very much used by those who dont know jack shit, AND i believe this following sentence in more comon : US thinks they're better than

"2. some country declares war on france"
yeah ok, shit happens

"3. french panic"
hmmmm if this is just for WW2 i could accept it, but its not true anyway, of course the population panicked for they were bombarded by the luftwaffe, but some great people like the Marechal Petain faced the enemy and defeat bravely, without fleeing to england. and the brave french soldiers who sacrificed their lives so that the british could escape back to england from the Dunkerk port is something that i tend to think about more.

"4. france get other countries to help them and win"
well in the napoleonic era i do believe france didnt have many worthwhile allies, so this is stupid.

"5. france builds everyone a statue"

"6. repeat step 1"

cause this seems like a joke or just being provocative, i wont elaborate

hahaha YES! rage! i want more
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
What are you people on crack? Dream on... Only a race war or a loss of white power in the country can destroy USA

I was actually reading on msn news the other day, and apparantly by about 2010, about 65% or something of people in Canada will be non-white. Not sure how that would relate to the USA, but I expect it to be similar...although Canada is more acceptant of random people who show up at the border and say thay want in...
yeah, in america too, we will be a mix of most every race within, oh, i'd say 50 years. they say that in about 200 years most of humanity will be about the same in appearance, medium brown, dark hair and brown eyes, but that is just time magazine. Obviously the French aren't the panzies/jerks we consider them to be these days, considering without them all of Europe would've remained Roman until the collapse of the eastern empire, thanks to the Merovingians and Carolingians, and of course the Gauls, who sacked Rome on numerous occaisions. The French also essentially created feudalism, thus pulling europe out of it's Roman prison, albeit creating the class war, but hey, some good natured ribbing is what it should be all about, but I do agree, we do put our noses where they don't belong, after all, we aren't the rest of the world's father or anything, hell, the opposite in fact.
You're forgetting about numerous other Germanic tries which caused, eh, problems shalll we say for the Romans, such as Goths and Vandals. If I remember correctly the Franks never really were a major force of the collapse of the Roman Empire. Quite the contrary, the Franks played a major part in the kicking-out of the huns, and Charlemagne of course was the Holy Roman emperor who sort of you know like carried the tradition on or whatever... guess I need to look over my books and essays on the franks again, hehe.

Anyway, it's funny to think that perhaps the two most important persons in the history of Europe were french: first Charlemagne who created the feudal system which lasted for about 1,000 years, and then this Napoleon guy came along and reshaped Europe.