for the eurofags: croatia?

i would never go there to begin with bro

bro you would love it here :loco:

here's a true story about roaches. maybe I told it before.

- back when I was like 16 used to make home deliveries for groceries at a supermarket.
- had a client that never left his house and used to call in an order every week. it typically always included an entire case of either toilet paper OR tissues
- the dude's house used to crawl with roaches.... I mean visibly when I walked in they scattered and it smelled intensely like them (if you know what roach smell is like)
- there were books all over his house and these cases of paper I used to deliver, were never really used but stacked all over the house ... always had the impression that he was using them to breed these fuckers.
- rumor was it he was a retired history teacher. certainly a nice guy and intelligent.

I just started itching all over typing this.
Almost every house I went to during my infamous last job was like the house lurch mentions above. the store would always be infested due to bringing back infested merchandise.
I hate bugs
We're being overrun by a 13-year Cicada right now. It's so fucking loud outside I can't stand it. Literally. I don't go outside. They're supposed to be around for another four or five weeks too.