Holy fuck Mike, that's nuts...
And honestly, about this notion people have been bringing up of fighting back against a totalitarian regime and such - am I the only one to whom that sounds like some slightly nuts backwoods militiaman talk? I mean, when in the history of the US has that ever had to happen? You seriously believe that people should have guns so they can march onto capitol hill and riddle "the man" full of bullets if he cracks down on us?
And to be clear, I'm only advocating control of assault weapons, not all guns
Heh, I personally am not thinking *that* far into the future and I'd like to think that we are a civilized enough country for that not to happen. Ermin had a practical viewpoint regarding this that stems from where he grew up I believe.
Now, I don't expect to be able to use my rifle to stop an F16 from destroying my house, but if you are in a desperate enough situation and survival really is the only thing on your mind...you will use your weapon. Like I said, I don't envision this happening anytime soon...but who knows?

Our government would really have to disintegrate in a rapid downward spiral for that to happen, but I don't think it's entirely impossible. People scoff when the Third Reich is compared to the current administration in the USA, but in terms of stripping people of their firearms...well. while it might not be the most valid comparison it still makes sense. If you take away the people's means of defending themselves, the government can literally do whatever they want. This is all in extreme circumstances that is.
Who knows what our country will look like in 20-30 years?
It might sound far fetched, but it's something to think about.