For the love of all goats, can we have a thread on Isa?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
What are people thinking about the new Enslaved album, Isa? Is it a masterpiece or did they go all Borknagar on us? It has this weird alternating effect on me, where on one listen it's genius, and the next it's too eclectic, like they're almost trying too hard to make it eclectic....

1. Vocals are the standout for me - whether growls, screams, or clean, these are quite brilliant, filled with emotion no matter which style
2. The music is varied: they've gone out on a limb and pulled in all the differing influences, great song structuring thru' knowing when to deliver and when to hold back....

1. I'm getting tired of "eclectic/progressive Black Metal". So very tired. Not even sure of the last time I pulled out any 'new wave' Solefald, Arcturus, or Borknagar, which Isa certainly drifts towards in the very least.
2. The music is varied: perhaps they've gone just a little too far this time round? What next - a cloning attempt of Sigh? That's the only place for Enslaved to go next, unless they decide eventually to either call it quits or fall into the mid-life 'back to our roots' crisis.

I'm listening to it now thinking YESSS!, but tomorrow could be a different day....interestingly, the album gets better the further you listen. Tracks #4 onwards probably contain some of the best material.

Talk people, talk. And be honest - fuck the fact that it's Enslaved, discuss what's on offer in Isa.
OK so let's take the song "Reogenesis":

0:00 - 2:00: This entire piece could have been written by Johnny Marr and Morrissey
2:00 - 4:00: Grim vocals over pop-laden extreme drumming
4:00 - 6:50: It's Mark Knopfler jamming over Queensryche
6:50 - 8:40: Back to the pop metal synth thing, this is what bands like Catamenia sound like
8:40 - 11:58: WOW. Turn up the volume and let yourself drift. I repeat, crank the volume. It sounds like [a version of] Enslaved finally, with pagan-esque riffs roaming the valleys of green, with stunning guitar lead work, beautiful solo work here, if you're not moved then you're a dead fish...

Like I say, when you're in the mood for this, it is astonishing. When you're not, it fails terribly. The good bits just aren't enough to make up for the 'odd' bits. Perhaps.
I listened to it twice all the way through, thought it was good but a little too proggish for my liking. There's hardly any black metal in this at all, and while that in itself isn't a problem, I just don't feel any connection or staying power to this cd. I'll give 'er another go sometime!
omg what the fuck are you talking about.
step 1. Forget everything you know about black metal
step 2. Forget everything you know about enslaved
step 3. Forget all the terms related to the word "viking"
step 4. Quit being a troo-eevol-blackmetal-warrior
step 5. Erase the enslaved logo off the cd and burn all your enslaved patches
step 6. Put the cd in your stereo
step 7. Enjoy THE BEST album of the year 2004

I'll be around when you want to thank me.

symposium_lexotanil said:
omg what the fuck are you talking about.
step 1. Forget everything you know about black metal
step 2. Forget everything you know about enslaved
step 3. Forget all the terms related to the word "viking"
step 4. Quit being a troo-eevol-blackmetal-warrior
step 5. Erase the enslaved logo off the cd and burn all your enslaved patches
step 6. Put the cd in your stereo
step 7. Enjoy THE BEST album of the year 2004

I'll be around when you want to thank me.

JayKeeley said:
Talk people, talk. And be honest - fuck the fact that it's Enslaved, discuss what's on offer in Isa.
My sentiments exactly. :Smug:
By the way, I like how people only read the negatives and not the positives I listed, in both earlier posts: #1 and #5. :loco:

Me: "I really like this album, but this bit here isn't so good...."
Malcom X: "OMG how can you hate it so much!?!?!!!"
i tried to follow your how-to-listen-guide on NEOGENESIS,but i couldnt find that track :(


at least try to read the track-titles.