For the Sake of Revenge...


Blue Bomber
Feb 28, 2005
Anybody know where some audio and/or video samples of Sonata Arctica's upcoming live cd/dvd have been posted online? I'm gonna buy this...if the quality is good. It came out in Japan a couple days ago and I've yet to see a single review online about it...kinda worried. :cry:
AngraRULES said:
Just wait and buy it.

In the meantime I can listen and watch the advanced copy I received. =) LOL

We will make you pay for that! :Shedevil:
I'm watching it right now. Video quality is very good and the sound is excellent. Nuclear Blast sent me a promo (Thanks Loana!). Big stage, big crowds, and a lot of camera angles. The lighting was more for mood than clarity, but again, the video is very good and looks just like you are there.

VERY cool opening animation with wolves and the traveler. Extras include home video of the band traveling around while in Japan ("Men of the North in the Land of the Rising Sun"). Subtitles included. Video leads right up to minutes before the show so you can see the band getting loose before hitting the stage. Lots of drinking and goofing around? I'd be dead if I partied that hard for for just one night. I wonder if the band remembers anything about the trip? I guess that's why they made the DVD! ;) Reminds me of the Nightwish behind the scenes "documentary" on, "From Wisheds to Eternity - Live." Extras also include Biography and Discography (stills).

A very nice package and a sure thing for for SA fans!
I pre-ordered it from CDInzane a few weeks ago, can't wait to see it. Wonder if the camera figured out a way to make the bassist look like he's actually enjoying the fact that he's a musician in a world famous band doing something that most people would kill for the opportunity to do.
The Fiddler said:
I'm watching it right now. Video quality is very good and the sound is excellent. Nuclear Blast sent me a promo (Thanks Laona!). Big stage, big crowds, and a lot of camera angles. The lighting was more for mood than clarity, but again, the video is very good and looks just like you are there.

I also got the promo yesterday - Loana ROCKS!

I haven't got a chance to watch the DVD yet (I work weekends) but I listened to the CD all day at work yesterday. The sound is great and if you saw them on this tour, the CD/DVD has basically the same set list (It's missing the big medley but has a few different songs). If you missed it, this will be the next best thing to being there. Definitely worth getting.