For those interested in DOOM

Necuratul said:

LOL, I assume you saw my post about how I checked the actual site rather than Myspace in my drunken theatrics last night? :tickled:

But back the fuck off bitch cuz Im the Warning fanboi round these parts.:loco:
Anyway that song is fucking excellent, and I think I like it better than anything off of The Strength To Dream. Very powerful vocal performance.
arg, i like doom and all but most of the bands you're into i just don't get :/ this unfortunately is no exception.

but on a brighter note, did you see that Witchcraft boot link i posted in that Kicking Teeth Music thread?
Carbonized said:
arg, i like doom and all but most of the bands you're into i just don't get :/ this unfortunately is no exception.

but on a brighter note, did you see that Witchcraft boot link i posted in that Kicking Teeth Music thread?

No. Is it the same one from last year or a new one? I'll check it out, thanks. :)
It's a new one, i like it better than the old one. Sounds just as good as well.[/end threadjack]
The song fuckign rules! Strength to Dream fucking rules. As much as I like the vocals in the last one, I think, based on this one song, this is going to be much better than The Strength to Dream.
circus_brimstone said:
I thought you meant the poster.

I can't believe I've been a member of UM for over 4 years and I still haven't been able to think of a more imaginative name than this.
Doom said:
I can't believe I've been a member of UM for over 4 years and I still haven't been able to think of a more imaginative name than this.


except even if i did i probably can't change mine again
lol trouble.

so I checked this junk out and goddamn, that's seriously good. I haven't heard this band before so I suppose I'll look into their older stuff until this new one comes out.
Chromatose said:
lol trouble.

so I checked this junk out and goddamn, that's seriously good. I haven't heard this band before so I suppose I'll look into their older stuff until this new one comes out.

Just ask if you want me to send it to you. It's nearly impossible to get a hold of the actual CD.

I let swizzlenuts know about someone who was selling it for ONLY 10 FUCKING DOLLARS a few months back, and he didnt bite because he is G H E Y!!! Claima he didnt hear it yet...but that is NO excuse, cuz if he didnt like it, he could easily sell it on EBAY for MUCH more. :)