For those interested: More ProgPower bands announced...

Meanwhile, the following have been confirmed for Wacken recently:

Gamma Ray
Orphaned Land
Primal Fear
Ektomorf <-- holy shit NAD better pack those bags

Sorry to threadjack, but I think one announcement thread is big enough for both festivals

Now get yo lazy US asses over to Deutschland
Erik said:
Sorry to threadjack, but I think one announcement thread is big enough for both festivals

Erik said:
Now get yo lazy US asses over to Deutschland
The wife and I were watching the Wacken 2004 DVD last night. I think we've decided to go to Wacken 2007. We'd go this year, but our vacation days are pretty well spoken for; 16 days in Mexico, 5 in Puerto Rico, 3 in Atlanta.

See you next year.:headbang:

Epica, not surprisingly, does nothing for me.

Savage Circus intrigues me in the same way Pyramaze does, so that's 2 bands I'd like to check out.

Epica has this going for them though...a super hot chick fronting the band!

MadeInNewJersey said:
Epica, not surprisingly, does nothing for me.
I'm with you. This band represents bar time for me.

MadeInNewJersey said:
Savage Circus intrigues me in the same way Pyramaze does, so that's 2 bands I'd like to check out.
Good stuff. I kind of thought they'd be at PP. That's a heck of a 1-2 punch to start this fest.

MadeInNewJersey said:
Epica has this going for them though...a super hot chick fronting the band!

I'm so going to try to get a threesome going between my wife and this chick. But hey, I pretty much try to get a threesome going with every hot chick I see.:loco:


Edit: Anyone else looking at the way her lips are puckered and getting wood?
What's intriguing about Savage Circus? Just throw it on and pretend it's Blind Guardian. :loco:

Epica = meh. Jesus, there are a 100 bands that deserve ProgPower USA exposure more than this band. This is like 4th tier derivative as fuck power metal, no shit.

I'm waiting for the "oddball".

P.S. I was listening to the new Pyramaze and I really like it. There's a cool vibe to it. Needs more spins.
I've heard their music, and it's power metal with female vocals. It's certainly not doom/death. At most, it sounds like modern day Therion. The press release says "for fans of Avantasia and Ayreon". I'm sure the success of Therion last year helped paved the way.

I hope to fuck this isn't the oddball band.

Here's our review:

Or 6/10 if you want the summary. I would have given it a 5.
JayKeeley said:
*still waiting for the "here's why I'm buying a hotel/ticket to Atlanta" bands*

I doubt you will be happy with the next two announced either. However, I may still grab you with the fourth round of names.

In all honestly, I believe this clique is by far the hardest to please . I can't promise that I will get you down to Atlanta every year (including this one) when I have to consider the majority's wishes, but there should be a band or two to your liking when the announcement process is complete.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
I doubt you will be happy with the next two announced either. However, I may still grab you with the fourth round of names.

In all honestly, I believe this clique is by far the hardest to please . I can't promise that I will get you down to Atlanta every year (including this one) when I have to consider the majority's wishes, but there should be a band or two to your liking when the announcement process is complete.

Glenn H.

Well, like I say, I always hold out for the oddballs. Into Eternity and Orphaned Land alone sold me on previous years.

This year, I'm liking Pyramaze a lot and Savage Circus -- well, I don't know what to make of it. I like it because it sounds SO MUCH like Blind Guardian, but that also makes me feel guilty and icky for some strange reason. :tickled:

I don't need all 10 bands to work in my favor, but get me 3 solid entries and I'll be there with bells on.
Harvester said:
Note the clique comment in my previous post. I appreciate your past support regardless.

Glenn H.

I'll always support what you do Glenn, don't get me wrong. It's just as money becomes tighter and difficult decisions have to be made, ProgPower has become (for me) a fest that needs to feature bands that I love. Luckily, the vast majority of your audience does indeed love the bands you book. :D