For those not in attendance, what happened with Damian and his "guest"?

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I don't bring my porn to your church, don't bring your children to my metal!

...And exactly what were you listening to at 12, Hal? I know I've been a metalhead since I was about 10, and my nephews have been since they could walk. If they want to go see concerts with parental supervision they should be able to. ProgPower is supposedly an event full of self-professed music snobs that claim to have better taste in music and are there for the music, not to watch the singers preform oral on a stripper onstage. I am by no means a prude, but I think there is a place for everything and I don't think ProgPower was the place for that. Maybe I had held ProgPower AND IT"S AUDIENCE to a higher standard and I'm wrong for that, but Glenn's comments about Damian's "friend" pretty much tells me I'm right.
Progpower is supposed to have a higher standard and be Classier? A bunch of drunk metal guys in their XL black tshirts is not class, for the record. As for women being offended, I'm a woman, and to me a stripper is by no means offensive. If Damien and her had a mutual agreement to do this, whatever, I'll go with it. If you're personally offended for whatever means, there is a simple solution: leave the room (wimps and posers, leave the hall)! If you don't want your child to see this, just take them outside until the song is over. If you have to lose your spot on the floor, too bad.
To me metal is mainly about booze and women. Listen to Symphony X Songs singing about temptresses. I'm pretty sure you're not envisioning them in a Muslim shroud. Just enjoy the show for what it is and if you don't like it leave, that simple.
While I wasnt going to post anything about this - I pretty much have to agree with Angelwench. Sure, it didnt fit with the ProgPower theme - but the metal scene has never been known for being gentle. I can totally understand where parents are coming from, but I can also totally understand where the folks who arent offended are coming from. To me, it simply wasnt a big deal. I didnt get off on it, nor did I hate it. It was a total *shrug*.

Lets have no dilusions here - our scene is one that is frought with demons/angels, monsters, violence, sci-fi/fantasy, alternate dimensions, spirituality and sexual conotations. It *always* has been. While the dancers actions may have been unecessary - it shouldnt be completely suprising.

As has been stated - it wasnt warranted and didnt need to happen - ok, fine. We all get that to one degree or another. But lets let this thing rest. The chances of it happening again are pretty much zero. This thread is just beating an already splattered horse.

On a more important note, that Black Crowes song is exactly the sort of bland rock pablum I was trying to escape in the mid '90s, and one of the reasons I got so heavily into metal in the first place. I know it's about time for '90s retro, but shit, I'm not going to stick around for the all-star jam if people are going to start doing Bush and Pearl Jam covers.
In her defense, she wasn't aware that it was an all-ages show. I'm friends with a good bit of people who were upstairs that night, and most of them understand the "public" view and I have no doubt that her "dance" would have been a bit different had she known there were kids in the audience.

That said, no issues with the body paint or her being there, but it did make me wonder why I rushed back to the venue for that set. *shrugs* each their own.
Progpower is supposed to have a higher standard and be Classier? A bunch of drunk metal guys in their XL black tshirts is not class, for the record. As for women being offended, I'm a woman, and to me a stripper is by no means offensive. If Damien and her had a mutual agreement to do this, whatever, I'll go with it. If you're personally offended for whatever means, there is a simple solution: leave the room (wimps and posers, leave the hall)! If you don't want your child to see this, just take them outside until the song is over. If you have to lose your spot on the floor, too bad.
To me metal is mainly about booze and women. Listen to Symphony X Songs singing about temptresses. I'm pretty sure you're not envisioning them in a Muslim shroud. Just enjoy the show for what it is and if you don't like it leave, that simple.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and stand up for Damian.It was 2AM on the final night of ProgPower,she was clothed,scantily,but clothed,and anybody who is out at 2 AM should expect the unexpected.Maybe something arranged by Glen would have been more appropriate,but you can't blame Damian for going with it.U make your choices and you live with 'em

I couldn't agree more. So at 2am at a metal show, Damian is being scorned for bringing a half nude woman on stage in an attempt to get the crowd going and end the festival with a bang (no pun intended), yet it is ok for Tobias of Edguy to say "Fuck" i don't know how many times when they played. Gimme a break; he is a stand up guy that put on an amazing performance. Lets not let an incident at 2am take away from his incredibleperformance with Threshold and at the All-Star jam.

Here's to Threshold for the Showcase next year!!! It's about time these guys get a chance to headline...
I think those who were offended are taking the "all ages" defense to the extreme. My guess is, Glenn makes this an "all-ages" event as to not exclude the 16 and 17 year olds who are serious fans of this genre, not because he's trying to tap the Sponge Bob demographic. Let's be fair, Glenn does nothing to cater to kids or even young adults. Not to mention, this event regularly features alcohol abuse, profanity, corset night, folks in bondage wear, t-shirts with all sorts of graphic images, etc.

Understand, I'm not judging anyone who brings their kids to such an event. Personally, I think it's kind of cool that you're open-minded. And the fact of the matter is, they probably see worse on TV and the internet every day (when mom and dad aren't looking). All I'm saying is, when your kid is at a Metal show at 1:30AM on a Saturday night, at an event that features all that I previously mentioned, perhaps the moral high ground is no longer yours to take.


I agree.:cool:
People offended over something that happened during a heavy metal show...isn't that the way the world is supposed to work? If you want a safer, classier and less offensive show, might I suggest looking at Coldplay's touring schedule?
On a more important note, that Black Crowes song is exactly the sort of bland rock pablum I was trying to escape in the mid '90s, and one of the reasons I got so heavily into metal in the first place. I know it's about time for '90s retro, but shit, I'm not going to stick around for the all-star jam if people are going to start doing Bush and Pearl Jam covers.

Again, "NOT" a Black Crowes' song. And after a weekend of my buddies making me listen to wimpy AOR and a fest of keyboard metal anything would be refreshing. The first thing I popped in when I got home was some Social D.
But talk about "bland" seriously after awhile Disney metal bands and Dream Theater wannbes run together and become "bland" too.
People offended over something that happened during a heavy metal show...isn't that the way the world is supposed to work? If you want a safer, classier and less offensive show, might I suggest looking at Coldplay's touring schedule?

Coldplay? Now THAT is truly offensive...(shudder)...

Rock on!
Progpower is supposed to have a higher standard and be Classier? A bunch of drunk metal guys in their XL black tshirts is not class, for the record. As for women being offended, I'm a woman, and to me a stripper is by no means offensive. If Damien and her had a mutual agreement to do this, whatever, I'll go with it. If you're personally offended for whatever means, there is a simple solution: leave the room (wimps and posers, leave the hall)! If you don't want your child to see this, just take them outside until the song is over. If you have to lose your spot on the floor, too bad.
To me metal is mainly about booze and women. Listen to Symphony X Songs singing about temptresses. I'm pretty sure you're not envisioning them in a Muslim shroud. Just enjoy the show for what it is and if you don't like it leave, that simple.

Attention everyone, here's a special announcement. If all of us don't share Angelwench's opinion, then leave the forum, ProgPower Fest, and metal in general. Metal band's only sing about women and booze.

Man, I don't know about everyone else, but I feel put in my place. :lol:

BTW...welcome to the board, whoever you are.

I'm sure anyone who had children with them at the event would beg to differ...

Has anyone verified that the "guest" was a woman?

Mull that one over...if the guest was a man, does that change the whole tone of this thread?

It just irritates me to think that we still have a society where hacking a breast off a woman gets a movie an R rating, but kissing a breast gives a movie an X rating.

If parents are offended by Damien's guest, then THEY have the problem, not Damien. If parents are afraid the kids will be mentally scarred, then they either have been keeping the kids in a bubble, of have no idea what the kids do when they are out of the house.

In the long run, all this incident will be is a bump in the road far smaller than that "woman's" breasts.

For the church-raised teen aged daughters would have laughed their asses off had they seen that song.
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