For those of you who have never heard Trivium


G-Unit Gangsta
Oct 31, 2005
Halifax, N.S, Canada
After hearing the endless bashing of Trivium around the internet, I decided to check them out. I must say, I'm not a fan, but I don't think they're COMPLETE hardcore. This song is called "Rain" and is pretty much a good example of their sound. Yes, the singer is infact terrible at screaming and singing and pretty much ruins the sound of the band, so I can't say i'm a fan. I'm somewhat surprised by the metal influence in their sound, but to me it seems like this kind of thing has already been done a million times. Anyway, for those of you who haven't heard Trivium, here's a taste of what they sound like:
SWEET. Trivium do suck, they have saturated metal magazines and radio stations to the point where i want to kill myself. Roadrunner can go fuck themselves, as far as i am concerned. They can take "the new slipknot" (opeth) and fuck off.
Opeth is good but I'm pissed off they went to Roadrunner. I fucking hate that record label.

Trivium can bite my sack too. The only good thing about Trivium is some of their solos and in order to get to them you have to listen to endless minutes of mind stupiding metalcore.
Opeth's not for everyone. But by the way, I'm not trying to promote Trivium, I just want people to hear the music before they start bashing them. I must say, I was surprised when I heard them, but it is true that they aren't very good, especially the lead vocalist. I've seen one of their concert bootlegs and NO ONE would mosh and he kept yelling "DO YOU KNOW WHAT A CIRCLE PIT IS GUYS!? SHOW IT TO ME!" They can't play their solos for shit live, either.
GhostOfPerdition said:
Opeth's not for everyone. But by the way, I'm not trying to promote Trivium, I just want people to hear the music before they start bashing them. I must say, I was surprised when I heard them, but it is true that they aren't very good, especially the lead vocalist. I've seen one of their concert bootlegs and NO ONE would mosh and he kept yelling "DO YOU KNOW WHAT A CIRCLE PIT IS GUYS!? SHOW IT TO ME!" They can't play their solos for shit live, either.
thats why you should listen to Darkest Hour, kris nails everything live :Spin: imo kris wtfpwns alexi. and now i sound like a kris norris fanboy :lol: he's a friend of mine though, so of course i respect him a lot.
I've seen Darkest Hour live here, and they put on a hell of a show, but I hardly remember them... it was a while back and I was a little tipsy. I vaguely remember them looking like average dudes you'd see walking down the street except they played really heavy and technical metal.