Forbidden - What Rock Have I been living under?!


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
First off, some people heard some songs I wrote a few months ago, and said "that sounds like Forbidden". I'd never even heard Forbidden! Looks like they copped MY style ;)

My drummer burned me a whole selection of old school thrash albums after finding out that I didn't own some key records. I got multiple Mercyful Fate albums, King Diamonds, Exodus's, and one album so good that I had to make a post about it...

FORBIDDEN - Twisted Into Form

Holy Crap! This band fucking ruled! Hailing from the Bay Area (where all the best American thrash clearly comes from
), Forbidden just thrash all over the place, but it makes sense, perfectly executed rhythm and KILLER "school-of-skol" solos.

They're almost the Yardbirds of metal, in that
members went on to join Slayer (Bostaph), Nevermore (Calvert), Testament (Alvelais), Vio-lence and Machine Head (Flynn).

Anyway, this album owns me right now, and I cant wait to get their first album, Forbidden Evil, I hear its even better than Twisted, if that's even possible!
Pyrus said:
Which Mercyful Fate did you get?
He burned me Mercyful Fate's Melissa, The Beginning, and Don't Break the Oath, Forbidden's Twisted into Form, King Diamond's Abigail, Fatal Portrait and Them, and Exodus' Fabulous Disaster and Pleasures of the Flesh.

Good choices all around!

Looks like a trip to Ameoba to get real copies of each is in order!
Pyrus said:
Heh, I just went to Ameoba and found a copy of Forbidden Evil. Beat ya to it. :D It's loading onto my computer right now.
Asshole! And of course I know Bonded by Blood, that was the only Exodus I had. Its still my favorite Exodus.

Please explain to me how the two of you are from the Bay Area and didn't know who Forbidden were, much less have their stuff??
I only moved here two years ago from NY. Only now am I getting into the heritage and history of the fabled Thrash scene. And it helps that half of my band were alive and kickin during its heights and know everything about it ;)
Yeah, Forbidden is really great! I Forbidden Evil and Twisted into Form and they both are classics!

Why don't you try Flotsam and Jetsam now? Get Doomsday for the deceiver... It's somewhat a fucked up breed between Anthrax's Spreading the Disease and forbidden
yeah i have both forbidden evil and twisted into form, and they completely mega slay most other bands....i personally think they took what was best from the bay area thrash scene of the 80's, and took it to an extreme.....WELCOME TO THE CHURCH OF LIES!!!
Testament Legions said:
GLEN ALVELIAS RULES - He was what made Forbidden great!
I second that! Glen Alvelias is a true guitar shredder !!! I saw him many times on tour with Testament and he was incredible. Kick ass guitar solos , too bad he's not really in the spotlight as much anymore.
I'm seventeen years old, Pest. It's taken me a little while to get into all this shit. Not to mention that it's nearly fucking impossible to find Forbidden anywhere.

Glen Alvelias is great, but there's something to be said for Tim Calvert's guitar abilities as well. After all, after Alvelias left they came out with Twisted Into Form, and that's a fucking GREAT album. Of course, we can't forget Russ Anderson, one of the best of the Bay Area thrash singers.
I had the pleasure to be at Hyde Street Studio's(SF), for some of the recording sessions on their first album Forbidden Evil, and be on their first Forbidden Evil US Tour, they were a great thrash band.......
I think Twisted Into Form, was their peak release as far as all their material.......I definetaly think that is their best ever!...........Get out from under that rock, next you'll tell us that you never heard any Vio-Lence?
Better late than never..........Right Pyrus?????????????
Forbidden is the best band ever. I prefer their debut album, with all the guitar work that sounds like horses fucking. Brilliant!

Brooks, easier to find their first rather than their third full length, Distortion, which had very limited distribution in the US. Green is great CD, too, although not many would agree -- a small metal shop there in Sac has two copies for sale so at least it's available.

The best metal ever laid down IMHO was Forbidden's unreleased demo material prior to their debut. Speed, technical playing, and most importantly, clean vox, it and all their stuff can't be beat. Russ Anderson's clean style is an element sorely missing in most of the Swedish scene's heavier music today...