Format C: For Cortex

Well, foramt c is becoming my fav song :)

Btw, what does "something has got to give" means? I heard it on tv too the other day and think it's an expression, but can't remember its meaning :cry:
i don't know if you're looking for some specific idiomatic meaning, but basically it means that in any struggle there is a weak spot that gives way sooner or later. this is giving much like a synonym of "conceding", only, not just for individuals.

let's just all say "bubu's got to bu" and we'll always know what it means.

@rahv: No i wasn't looking for an idiomatic meaning, thanks for the explanation :)
Originally posted by phyre
"Ex nihilo nihil fit" is latin for "out of nothing, nothing is created/born". Was used by philosophers Melissos, Aristoteles, Lucretius and Thomas of Aquino. Says my philosophy lexicon (in Swedish. Don't kill me for bad transolations)

Anyhoo, with my limited latin knowledge I'd say just "ex nihilo" would mean "out of nothing"

A swedish lexicon. Hmmm, why didn't I think of that. Thanx anyway
Originally posted by phyre
"Ex nihilo nihil fit" is latin for "out of nothing, nothing is created/born". Was used by philosophers Melissos, Aristoteles, Lucretius and Thomas of Aquino.
My only objection is that it's somehow unlikely Melissos and Aristotles would use the latin version of it :p

Siren (being silly)
I have no reason to believe those philosophers did not use the above idea, in fact i'm pretty sure it was one of Aristotles' theories. IT WAS JUST IN FUCKIN GREEK :p
Whole lotta somethin' going on in this here topic... ;) *standing in the crossfire*

edit: Let me just say that Format C For Cortex is one of the highlights on the album, IMHO. :)
Originally posted by phyre
Well if a Swedish philosopher had used it it would be in fucking Swedish so fuck you.

actually, only if it was a modern philosopher. back when aristotles and his merry men were around a philosopher from your area would have formulated that idea in some obscure saxon-influenced language...
:s ... i didn't want to add fuel to the flame though... ;)

back then, swedes were still eating wolf meat and dressing in wolf skin. i seriously doubt they had any philosopher. you know, culture was born around the mediterranean, your countries are just too cold for comfort.

Damn, i forgot an "it" in my last flame-message :mad:

And i was thinking something similar to what hyena said (smt like living in caves and eating acorns, which iirc is smt one of our politicians once said :lol: ), but thought it would be too much to bring it out on phyre's head :p