Forum contest :)

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Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
For those of you longtime APtT forum folks, you can see that there are still a lot of our fellow 'old timers' who haven't surfaced here yet. So let's bring them back..along with some new people!

The person who brings the most people in to the forum will receive a signed copy of Shadows of the Past, and a signed photo of the band. Here's the rules:

  • They can be old timers or new fans.
  • They have to refer to you in a post in this thread. If someone gets 'brought in' by more than one person, each person will still get credit.
  • They have to post at least half a dozen times in a week's time; coming in, saying hi once, & vanishing doesn't count.
If you need help remembering 'the old timers', you can check the old member list here, or you can go back to the first posts on the most recent incarnation of the old forum here and just look at who was active then (I did this yesterday & it's kind of fun to look back at how things were then).

We'll let this go through rest of the month of January; have fun with it, and good luck!
If I win, will I still have to sign the disc?

Great idea Jax! I'd love to have some of our old members back in the fold.

Never use the terms "members" and "in the fold" in the same sentence. Someone like me could take it the wrong way. :lol:

Lisa Sorrell is here. Steve's one person away from getting a free disc! LOL.
Sadly, none of our new people have posted more than once or twice, definitely not the half dozen times that the contest asks for..and only one bothered to come in here & say who referred them..sheesh, was it that tough a contest? *g*
Sadly, none of our new people have posted more than once or twice, definitely not the half dozen times that the contest asks for..and only one bothered to come in here & say who referred them..sheesh, was it that tough a contest? *g*

Something's in the air. The internet is either changing, or the enthusiasm we were once used to is, for whatever reason, never going to be the same. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's the economy. Maybe this whole thing has just run its course. Not quite sure. But, as you said before, this site should bring us some new users as well. Thanks for trying Jax. :kickass:
We could always have a wet t-shirt contest :erk: LOL It seemed to work at Dementia. :headbang:

j/k I don't think the guys would want to do it. :lol::Smokin:
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