Forum Getogether thread

Uh, no idea what you're talking about (assuming that was directed to me). Is that a regular "event" they have or something? This is just a typical gig with a band I travel 600km (round trip) to see most of the time, plus some local talent, and two duds.
Sorry dude, you're right, that was really unclear.

Power Music were the dodgy as fuck Asian promoters who were running the band room at the Mandarin for ages. They kept on ripping off a shitload of bands. KFS are mad, by the way.
You coming? KFS are beyond mad. IMO one of the best active metal bands in the country and Backyard Mortuary have picked up their game amazingly in recent times too. VERY impressive at the Denial Of God gig.

Yet to see Ironwood/Sword Toward Self (STS are Ironwood + 1), have EPs from both bands which have a few great moments. Keen to see them pull it off live.

AD, well, "lol".

As for The Veil...long way for a Christian Hardcore/Metalcore band to travel for a show..should be....interesting.
Yeah, wrong "The Veil", Pyro.

The one from Sydney, in my opinion, are really good.

Hopefully should be lining up a gig or two with them very soon too.
Here's that foetus.

Hey all, on Saturday December 1 provided the weather is good come round to my joint for beer bbq pool and metal jammage. From 12.30 till around 5pm
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Then who ever is up for it we will go camping in a secluded area in Glenbrook.

Pack light and share tents because it's a 20min trek through the bush to get to the area. Be responsible with drinks cause I don't want to see/step on broken glass everywhere. I went camping last saturday and didn't use a tent I just slept in my inflatable boat in board shorts quite comfortable. You will need one of these

they make great cheap beds and they are awesome for sailing down the river drunk in complete darkness. You can buy them for ten bucks at places like toys are us. Last weekend Bremner and I let our friends use ours they went down the river a bit. Bremner and I snuck into the water swam very quitely within a couple of meters of them and went yarrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaarrrghhhhhhh it was the funniest thing in the history of ever they screamed for ages then desperately tried to make it to shore. Anysways pm me for more details & directions to my joint, if you cant make it to my place but still want to go camping later on in the night ring my mobile 0423988459 and i'll come back up from the camp site and bring you down. Thats all the details I can think of at the moment but yeah come it should be a lot of fun:)
Bump for tomorrow, it's still on if it's raining just might have to scrap the camping part.
if anyone in sydney feels like a couple of beers this afternoon/tonight i'm pretty thirsty and could do with some drinking buddies

Ferretstock 2007
Kicking off Friday 28th December 2007 at 5:00pm and running well into the next morning. PM me for full details (or check your favourite social networking portal where relevant).