Forum Getogether thread

well seeing as everyone is posting their drunken stories from last night, i'll post mine. Was the drummer from Damarill's birthday, so good, he only lives halfway down the road from me. Bumped into ferdibirdi at the party, folks i'll tell ya he's the best to get drunk with. I don't think i have ever been so wasted, all i remember doing is playing the piano and stumbling around the streets drunk going OMG SOMEONE HOLD ME THE GROUND IS MOVING. Oh God... good times.. then i stumbled home drunk :D

Crap story.

The worst part of the night has to be when we were standing on enmore road and that bloody van flew past and wet us all. I was still wet when i got home :erk:

How fucking dumb were we, though? Seriously!

OK: busy road, HUGE puddle in the gutter... what do we do? Stand right next to the side of the fucking road next to the puddle and the many, many cars driving by and wait for the traffic lights. Stupid fucking alcohol! :rolleyes: I was wearing my jacket done up, leather pants and gloves and layers of clothing underneath my jacket and I *still* got soaked to the skin! *shakes head* HAHA!

HAHA! Best bit of the night (for anyone except for TY) is when TY got kicked out of Blink for his... shall we say "extreme dancing" where he nearly killed someone with his flailing limbs! :p The girl was OK but her friends wanted to bash him... which would have been hilarious since they were all skinny goth fairy boys and would have died (just from TY alone, let alone the rest of us drunk idiots), but the security thought it might be better to save themselves some mopping up of broken limbs and cheap PVC and got him out of there... and then he fell asleep on the train with Turner and got busted by the rail cops! Hatin' life! HAHAHA! Sucks to be TY, but that's still pretty legendary in my book! :kickass:

I think Andy had the biggest win of the night though:

I dont remember much but for some reason there's a big cream coloured dildo on the floor next to my bed, an 'executioners' balaclava, an oporto chip in my pocket, and a girl in my bed


You should put that in your Signature! :p
did anyone send an SMS to me last night?
I have one from a number I don't know saying "dude you dropped your usb yesterday several times. i picked it up but forgot to give it back to ya"
I don't remember having a USB anything with me, although I don't remember much otherwise, either haha.
Andy again mate i'm sorry i didn't make it. I passed out before midnight at Daves. I really wanted to come. Sounds like you guys had a great time.
Andy again mate i'm sorry i didn't make it. I passed out before midnight at Daves. I really wanted to come. Sounds like you guys had a great time.

That's what happens when you drink coopers! Only Tooheys can keep ya going all night!

I only caught the tail end of the night but was good to see the likes of Andy, Tim and Turner etc even if it was at Blink. On that note i will now officially express my total disinterest with Club Blink! That Club fails!!!! Shit music and lame atmosphere.It's gonna take a lot me for me to return.
Methinks it's time for me to start a decent Metal club just so we have somewhere regular to hang out without the risk of catching audio aids!
did anyone send an SMS to me last night?
I have one from a number I don't know saying "dude you dropped your usb yesterday several times. i picked it up but forgot to give it back to ya"
I don't remember having a USB anything with me, although I don't remember much otherwise, either haha.

'Twas I.
Yeah there's a few pics on my Myspace, I'll load up the rest when I can cos I've managed to lose my camera :(

Anyway, was a great weekend, and good to meet some new people and catch up with some old freinds :D

Just another night
Hahaha I've put all the ones from the weekend on my myspace page .. except this one:

Sorry Shane.. but she's a classy shot, had to be shown haha.
I just remebered another classic moment from friday. Andy rings Ty on his mobile, Ty answers directly behind him.
Andy says -why are you at the Sando
Ty - i'm not i'm right behind you
Andy facing Ty still talking on the mobile says something like - Nah someone said you went over to the Sando
classic Stuff :lol: :lol: