Forum Getogether thread

Sorry boys, just wanna share the love, i realise it gets annoying but thats what u get with me at times. If it really upsets any of ya just let me know, except ravendark, you're getting them no matter what. Your hatred of Blind Guardian must cease.

HAHA! I don't mind at all dude. It was some awesome literature to wake up to :)
This friday night folks! Vic on the Park!! rock up whenever you want. Most people are coming between 7 and 8 but I know a few who will be there from 5:30 onwards haha.

If we get the boot from Vic then we'll crawl up enmore rd :)
You dudes should come to Rattlesnake tomorrow night

Tomorrow night (Monday 4th of June)
@ The Collingwood Hotel
Address: 321 Hume Highway, Liverpool.
Entry: $10
ALL AGES! and there's food+Beer!...or any other alchohol to full fill your needs! :D
and We shalt destroy!

Hope to see you guys there!

Stay True, Stay Metal!
Damian and Rattlesnake.

Edit: copeyed and pasted from Damian's myspace bulletin :)
Im in the snakepit with sean and grossel tommorow night, seeyas there.

And ferret, i still dunno who sent me a message, but it pretty much said "yeh, like, what kidna guy messages a chick at midnight asking for brendan"....

I seirously dont remmeber typing any chick a message, and why would i have wanted brendan lol. Im strange at times, very scary even to myself.
What time are you going to be there? I can probably come down for a couple of hours

gonna pissup at mine for a bit first, then get down there for bout 8.
house band plays, you can get up and play as well i think.
i'll be there all nite.
finishes midnite i think.
Haha 5.30 is rather tempting.. it's my old local and only a 10 min bus trip from my house.. but I will probably rock up at about 8 I think.. try and get some study done before I drink away my brain cells haha.
Hay, Friday night sounds like a plan, celebrate the end of uni semester (-: I'll be in the area anyway (handing in some assignments and etc) so I should be able to join yas. Where exactly is it?