Four string or five string?


sock puppet
I plan on getting a new bass soon (I've been playing for about a year.)

I think I'm going to get a Carvin. A Carvin or a Warwick. :p

Anyway, my question is..should I get four strings or five?

I really don't know how to decide whether I need five strings or not. I'm paranoid, so I think that I'll be rather limited with a four string bass. And I plan on using this new one for a while so..

I was once told to figure out if four strings was enough to express myself musically. I really don't know if that's true or not. I have no problems at all with four strings, and I've never really wished for a fifth or sixth string before..

But yeah, I'm playing with a band right now and the lack of a fifth string has never been a problem. We'll be getting a second guitarist in the coming months, though..

So..hmm, to sum up: how should I go about deciding whether or not I need a five string bass? Keep in mind that I have no problems with four strings or anything right now, and this question stems from paranoia and fear of being 'limited' later on in my musical career.

Thanks. :D
Go for a six string. You won't regret it. Or go all the way and get a seven string conklin so you'll never have to get another bass again. lol :)
HMMMmmmm... It's personal dude. Anyway, why don't have both, four and five stringed??

Myself especifically: I'm gonna sell my old Warlock guitar and buy a five string bass to do some gigs, 'cause when you play some Death Metal songs (Spirit Crusher???) you really need an extra string. Plus, the five/six stringed bass have a deeper sound, the way I think the bass should sound.

And my old four stringed crap I'm gonna torn into a fretless for pure amusement and musical development.

As, I said: It's personal.

Ps: Go Warmick aaaaaaaaaaall the way. I wish I had a Vampire, the coolest bass model I've ever seen, but damn, they are expensive!
If you play other styles besides metal, a five/six/seven(?) string can be useful too. Especially in jazz and more modern versions of things like middle easern and latin music.

If you want to play chords and nice counterpoint tapped lines, definitely get more than four (not that you can't do those things on a four). Just for the extra range, it's worth it. But if you currently have a four, don't dump it. It's useful for everything else.

I'm currently in the market for a good five or six string with 24 frets, 2 or 3 band active eq with passive option (if possible), and a body style and finish that will look impressive anywhere. That means no shapes like B.C. Rich's.
Ah, thanks. I'll be thinking about it some more in the meantime.

My hands aren't big enough to handle a six string bass, I reckon. ;D

Also, are some advantages to having just four strings? There has to be some advantages, right? ^^
Also, are some advantages to having just four strings?

HMmmmmmmmm... Let me see... You'll looks like an oldies bassplaya, and may call yourself "True" 'cause you keep the true spirit of the four stringa!

Really, I don't see any benefits, besides the four string is easyer to handle and play, and it can handle most of the work if you don't expect a long range of sounds, or knows where to find those notes that should be in the strings you don't have.
I had the same problem that you have now couple of months before.
I desided to buy a four string, I thought that I should first buy a four string and later maybe a five string.
Four string is basic and you should have a good basic one first, thats the way I thought.
Personally, as an owner of both a 4 and a 5 string, I use my 4 string more. But my 4 string is also my fretless, so I'm a bit biased. I would say go to a guitar store and try out a 5 string.

Also, I would suggest looking at getting one with a high C instead of a low B, I barely ever find use for my low B, but I could think of tons of ways to play songs easier with a high C. And low B's are awfully floppy on most basses too. However, I still like my 5 string, and its good experience to play with one, the strings are closer together so it will improve your fretting technique a bit.
"My hands aren't big enough to handle a six string bass, I reckon. ;D"

It's not always about hand size. Everyone thinks that if you have a six or seven string bass your hands need to be huge...but they don't at all. It's all about practice man! I know a six stringer who's hands are a lot smaller than mine, and his fingers are chubbier, but he SO MUCH better than it doesn't always matter. Anyone can play em (unless you're a carnie.....small hands....smells like
I don't know about that Bassmasta. Our bud, John Turner, has hands half the size of mine, and he plays those bad ass 7 strings.

You need to remember, 6 strings tend to have closer string spacings, so they're not really THAT big.
I hear that the neck is harder to handle on five strings and you can't play as fast, and it's a lot harder to play slap. I don't play slap that much, but I do it every now and then. ^^

Also, I don't have much use for a low B, I think. Having a high C would be better. ^^

So what are some advantages to having JUST four strings, aside from being easier to play? Or is that it? ^^
Sean Malone doesn't have that large of hands, and well...his lack of sucking speaks for itself.

Conversely, my fingers are long and I play with a large array of somantics and it gets to be cumbersome.

Don't judge the bass you want to buy by the number of strings. But by the feel of it, be it 4, 5, 6 or 7 strings. It needs to feel right to you for it to be effective. Having said that though...account for adaptability, you can always grow into your new choice.

Good luck.
I've been playing for 18 years now, I've used nothing but a four string and I constantly get called for gigs. Be it Metal, Jazz, Rock, Funk, my phones always ringing. Out of the six basses I own, one is an eight string
which is basically a four string with an octave (same principal as the 12 string guitar).
In short, don't buy something your not comfortable with (five string) just
because they're all the rage.
Go to the store and spend the entire day in there. Just play every bass they have hanging on the wall, and then make your decision based on your personal experience instead of other people's opinions.

Happy hunting....

NP: Cannibal Corpse-Tomb of the Mutilated
Thanks a lot guys, I'll do that this weekend.

I've returned from the same quest. I've seen tons of 5 string basses, and man, they really sucked hard! They are all big, unconfortable, disgusting, heavy. Damn, Im'gonna do a 4 stringa!
Higon said:
I've returned from the same quest. I've seen tons of 5 string basses, and man, they really sucked hard! They are all big, unconfortable, disgusting, heavy. Damn, Im'gonna do a 4 stringa!
Haha man, I felt the same way when I played a five string Stingray a few months ago.

Dunno though, I'm going to go check some more later.