Fourth Round Pool A: Best Two

Fourth Round Pool A: Best Two

  • Total voters


Mar 3, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Okay, the third round is over. The quantity of songs have been reduced to 6.
Next is the first pool of 3 songs which survived the third round. Which pair of songs do you prefer on POOL A.
Remember to vote with the buttons. Comments are appreciated but I count only the votes on the poll.
After the fourth round, we will be down to 3 songs.

01) The Moor - The Leper Affinity
02) The Moor - Blackwater Park
03) The Leper Affinity - Blackwater Park

Okay. The moor and BWP are the two best songs ever written, yet BWP is voted out at the moment.

What does that mean? This board has bad taste in music.
The Leper Affinity and Blackwater Park. Blackwater Park is my favorite Opeth song so it was just a choice between The Moor and The Leper Affinity. The Leper Affinity barely edges it out for me. I know it isn't going to win though...
Hey Guys,

Round 4 is going steady and it looks like the race will be just :loco: :Spin: craaazzzy :Spin: :loco: until the last minute.

Preliminary results shows that the Moor :hotjump: is the only song which will be hard to stop in the race to the last 3.

There is currently only 7 votes separating the second song from the sixth song and only three songs will survive this round ... :hypno: So if you want your song(s) to continue, vote!

This being said, PLEASE USE THE VOTING BUTTONS for your votes since those are the one I will use to determine the songs making it to the fifth round. I'm not counting the "write in votes". You have until Sunday, September 26th at 9h00pm Eastern Daylight Saving Time to submit your votes. Afterwards, were going into Round 5 with the top 3 songs.

Cheers! :kickass:
Hey Guys,

Just a little more than 7 hours to go before the fifth round (semi-finals).

So far, Blackwater Park is out :waah: so is Serenity Painted Death :(

But suprisingly enough, When is also out :err:

I think we will have new finalists this time around ...

Cheers :kickass: